Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z152.6 .L35 2008 Print culture in Loughrea, 1850-1900 : reading, writing and printing in an Irish provincial town / 1
Z152.6 .M86 1988 A dictionary of the print trade in Ireland, 1550-1775 / 2
Z152.6 .S47 1990 The first printers in Waterford, Cork, and Kilkenny, pre-1700 / 1
Z155 .B87 2003 Type spaces : in-house norms in the typography of Aldus Manutius / 1
Z155 .F7 La stampa in Italia fra Quattro e Cinquecento ed altri saggi / 1
Z155 .F7x La stampa in Italia fra Quattro e Cinquecento ed altri saggi / 1
Z155 .J66 1926b The Italian sixteenth century / 1
Z155 .M18 The introduction of printing into Italy / 1
Z155 .N6 Italian printers, 1501-1520 : an annotated list / 1
Z155 .P91 Early printing in Italy, with special reference to the classics, 1469-1517 : a guide to the commencement exhibition commemorating the five hundredth anniversary of the invention of printing, the Treasure Room, Princeton University Library, June, 1940. 1
Z155 .R46 1982 Studies in early Italian printing / 1
Z155 .R53 1994 Print culture in Renaissance Italy : the editor and the vernacular text, 1470-1600 / 1
Z155 .R53 1994eb Print Culture in Renaissance Italy : the Editor and the Vernacular Text, 1470-1600 / 1
Z155 .S37 1998 Die Terminologie der italienischen Buchdrucker im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert : eine wortgeschichtliche Untersuchung mit besonderer Berucksichtigung von Venedig / 1
Z155 .S37x 1998 Die Terminologie der italienischen Buchdrucker im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert : eine wortgeschichtliche Untersuchung mit besonderer Berucksichtigung von Venedig / 1
Z156.B36 S57 1994 Arte della stampa e produzione libraria a Bari : secoli XVI-XIX / 1
Z156.B38 R67 1994 Due secoli di stampa a Belluno e Feltre : (XVII-XVIII) / 1
Z156.B6 S7 Storia della stampa in Bologna : con 154 illustrazioni inserite nel testo e 66 tavole. 1
Z156.C37 Z86 1997 Cinquecento anni di tipografia carmagnolese / 1
Z156.F5 B66 2021eb Niccolò di Lorenzo della Magna and the social world of Florentine printing, ca. 1470-1493 1