Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z2002 .P77 1976x Early English books, 1475-1640 1
Z2002.P772 B5 A preliminary checklist of American copies of Short title catalog books / 1
Z2002.P772 B5 1944 A checklist of American copies of "Short-title catalogue" books / 1
Z2002.P772 B5 1950 A checklist of American copies of "Short-title catalogue" books. 1
Z2002 .P78 2000 Protestantism crossing the seas : a short-title catalogue of English books printed before 1801 illustrating the spread of Protestant thought and the exchange of ideas between the English-speaking countries and the Netherlands, held by the University Library of the Vrije Universiteit at Amsterdam / 1
Z2002 .S79 1950 A transcript of the registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554-1640 A.D. / 1
Z2002 .S791 1950 A transcript of the registers of the Worshipful Company of Stationers, from 1640-1708 A.D. 1
Z2002 .S791 Index Index to the Stationers' register, 1640-1708 : being an index to A transcript of the registers of the Worshipful Company of Stationers from 1640-1708 A.D., edited by Eyre, Rivington & Plomer (1913-1914) / 1
Z2002 .T66 2014 A bibliographical catalogue of Italian books printed in England, 1603-1642 / 1
Z2002 .T66 2016 A bibliographical catalogue of Italian books printed in England, 1603-1642 / 1
Z2002.U32 M3 Microfilms of rare and out-of-print books 1
Z2002 .U552x Early English books, 1641-1700, selected from Donald Wing's Short Title catalogue : a guide to years 1- of the microfilm collection, reels 1- 1
Z2002 .U58 Apocalyps, chap. 11
The benediction From the A:lmighty O:mnipotent.
The gatehouse salutation from the Lady Eleanor. Revelat. cap. 4. Serving for Westminsters Cathedral, their old service. And courts of Westminster, those elders sitting, &c. February, 1646
A lamentation for the lost sheep of the house of Israel With an invitation to have them turne in their minds to the true shepheard of the souls. Also something in discovery of the nakednesse of all professions who are found in the words without the life and power. /
For the right noble, Sir Balthazer Gerbier Knight: from the Lady Eleanor
Letters of love and gallantry, and several other subjects. Vol. II
La montre, or, The lover's watch
Poems on several occasions
An essay to revive the antient education of gentlewomen in religion, manners, arts & tongues with an answer to the objections against this way of education.
Ezekiel the prophet explained as follows
When the Lord Jesus came to Jerusalem, he beheld the city, and wept over it ...
Z2002 .U586 1981 Accessing Early English books, 1641-1700 : a cumulative index to units 1-32 of the microfilm collection. 1
Z2002 .W5 A gallery of ghosts : books published between 1641-1700 not found in the Short-title catalogue /
Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English books printed in other countries, 1641-1700.
Z2002 .W5 1972 Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English books printed in other countries, 1641-1700 / 1
Z2002.W5 O9 The Christ Church supplement to Wing's Short-title catalogue : 1641-1700 / 1
Z2002.W5 W5 A gallery of ghosts : books published between 1641-1700 not found in the Short-title catalogue / 1
Z2002.W5 W6 A check-list of the books in the Library Company of Philadelphia : in and supplementary to Wing's Short-title catalogue, 1641-1700. 1
Z2002 .W52 Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English books printed in other countries, 1641-1700 / 4