Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z2005 .M65 1964 A register of books, 1728-1732 : extracted from The monthly chronicle. 1
Z2005 .S73 1982 English literary journals, 1900-1950 : a guide to information sources / 1
Z2005 .S73 1982 PR1 English literary journals, 1900-1950 : a guide to information sources / 2
Z2005 .U56 English literary periodicals 1
Z2005 .U56 1981 English literary periodicals
Accessing English literary periodicals : a guide to the microfilm collection with title, subject, editor, and reel number indexes /
Z2005 .W57 Whitaker's cumulative book list.
Whitaker's book list.
Z2007.A67 B65 A prehistoric bibliography / 1
Z2009 BOPCRIS : British official publications collaborative reader information service. 1
Z2009.A1 F6 1956 A guide to parliamentary papers : what they are, how to find them, how to use them / 1
Z2009.A1 L4 A guide to parliamentary and official papers / 1
Z2009 A35, no.3 Energy, trade and industry. 1
Z2009 A35, no.11 Health and social security. 1
Z2009 A35, no.22 Transport. 1
Z2009 A35, no.43 Land registry. 1
Z2009 A35, no.45 Geology. 1
Z2009 A35, no.56 Population, censuses and statistics. 1
Z2009 A35, no.60 History, museums and galleries. 1
Z2009 .A35, no.67 Defence. 1
Z2009.B87 Check list of British official serial publications. 1
Z2009 .B93 1983 Official publications in Britain / 1