Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z2011 .S414 English and American literature : a guide to reference materials / 1
Z2011 .S414 PR83 English and American literature : a guide to reference materials / 1
Z2011 .S415 Reference sources in English and American literature : an annotated bibliography / 1
Z2011 .S6 1963 An English library: a bookman's guide. 1
Z2011 .S73 1956 A bibliographical manual for students of the language and literature of England and the United States : a short-title list. 1
Z2011 .S97 1988 Perennials : a fiftieth anniversary selection from the Berg Collection / 1
Z2011 .S97 1988 PR83 Perennials : a fiftieth anniversary selection from the Berg Collection / 1
Z2011 .V48 Basic tools of research : an annotated guide for students of English. 1
Z2011 .W27 1994 First editions : a field guide for collectors of English and American literature / 1
Z2011 .W3 The concise Cambridge bibliography of English literature, 600-1950. 1
Z2011 .W3 1965 The concise Cambridge bibliography of English literature, 600-1950. 1
Z2011 .W32 The New Cambridge bibliography of English literature / 1
Z2011 .W73 A reader's guide to English & American literature / 1
Z2011 PR83 .B74 1998eb Reference works in British and American literature / 1
Z2012.A1 B45 1967 The translations of Beowulf : a critical bibliography. 1
Z2012.A1 H5 A bibliographical guide to Old English : a selective bibliography of the language, literature, and history of the Anglo-Saxons / 1
Z2012 .B13 An annotated bibliography of twentieth-century critical studies of women and literature, 1660-1800 / 1
Z2012 .B19 1989 John Bale's Index of British and other writers. 1
Z2012 .B27 The seventeenth century : Bacon through Marvell / 1
Z2012 .B27 PR431 The seventeenth century : Bacon through Marvell / 1