Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z2012 .T89 A bibliography of fifteenth century literature : with special reference to the history of English culture / 1
Z2012 .W35 2000 Old English prose translations of King Alfred's reign / 1
Z2012 .W35 2000 PR221 Old English prose translations of King Alfred's reign / 1
Z2012 .W37 1986 Samuel Butler and the Earl of Rochester : a reference guide / 1
Z2012 .W37 1986 PR437 Samuel Butler and the Earl of Rochester : a reference guide / 1
Z2012 .W95 Biographia britannica literaria, or, Biography of literary characters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in chronological order / 1
Z2012 .W952 Biographia Britannica literaria, or, Biography of literary characters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in chronological order. 1
Z2013 .A4 Guide to doctoral dissertations in Victorian literature, 1886-1958 / 1
Z2013 .B58 Bibliographies of modern authors. 1
Z2013 .B588 Bibliographies of studies in Victorian literature for the thirteen years 1932-1944 / 1
Z2013 .B589 Bibliographies of studies in Victorian literature for the ten years 1945-1954 / 1
Z2013 .B5892 Bibliographies of studies in Victorian literature for the ten years 1945-1954 / 1
Z2013 .B59 Bibliographies of studies in Victorian literature for the ten years 1955-1964 / 1
Z2013 .B592 Bibliographies of studies in Victorian literature for the ten years 1965-1974 / 1
Z2013 .B592 PR461 Bibliographies of studies in Victorian literature for the ten years 1965-1974 / 2
Z2013 .B593 1991 Bibliographies of studies in Victorian literature for the ten years 1975-1984 / 1
Z2013 .B63 The eighteenth century / 1
Z2013 .B63 PR441 The eighteenth century / 1
Z2013 .B65 An index to the annuals. 1
Z2013 .B8 Victorian poets and prose writers / 2