Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z2014.D7 S24 1985 PR651 Critical analyses in English Renaissance drama : a bibliographic guide / 1
Z2014.D7 S24 1991 Critical analyses in English renaissance drama : a bibliographic guide / 1
Z2014.D7 S24 1991 PR651 Critical analyses in English renaissance drama : a bibliographic guide / 1
Z2014.D7 S24 PR651 Critical analyses in English Renaissance drama : a bibliographic guide / 1
Z2014.D7 S77 Broadway in the West End : an index of reviews of American theatre in London, 1950-1975 / 1
Z2014.D7 S77 PN2596.L6 Broadway in the West End : an index of reviews of American theatre in London, 1950-1975 / 1
Z2014.D7 S78 1982 English Renaissance theatre history : a reference guide / 1
Z2014.D7 S78 1982 PN2589 English Renaissance theatre history : a reference guide / 1
Z2014.D7 S8 The new British drama : a bibliography with particular reference to Arden, Bond, Osborne, Pinter, Wesker / 1
Z2014.D7 S83 Bibliography of English printed tragedy, 1565-1900 / 1
Z2014.D7 S85 1966 Dramatic play lists, 1591-1963 / 1
Z2014.D7 S8529 Restoration and eighteenth century theatre research : a bibliographical guide, 1900-1968 / 1
Z2014.D7 S853 Restoration and 18th century theatre research bibliography, 1961-1968 / 1
Z2014.D7T39 1989 Restoration drama : an annotated bibliography / 1
Z2014.D7 T39 1989 PR691 Restoration drama : an annotated bibliography / 1
Z2014.D7 T5 Nineteenth and twentieth century drama : a selective bibliography of English language works, numbers 1-3029 / 1
Z2014.D7 U55 1988 University of Bristol Theatre Collection 1
Z2014.D7 W48 1986 Early English drama, Everyman to 1580 : a reference guide / 1
Z2014.D7 W54 1993 Modern verse drama in English : an annotated bibliography / 1
Z2014.D7 W544 2012 British drama, 1533-1642 : a catalogue / 1