Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z2014.D7 C67 The Bible in English drama : an annotated list of plays including translations from other languages / 1
Z2014.D7 C72 English drama and theatre, 1800-1900 / 1
Z2014.D7 C72 PR721 English drama and theatre, 1800-1900 /
English drama and theatre, 1800-1900 : a guide to information sources /
Z2014.D7 C76 1988 An annotated critical bibliography of Jacobean and Caroline comedy (excluding Shakespeare) / 1
Z2014.D7 D27 The prologues and epilogues of the Restoration (1660-1700) : a tentative check-list / 1
Z2014.D7D27 The prologues and epilogues of the Restoration (1660-1700) : a tentative check-list / 1
Z2014.D7 D68 1996 Guide to British drama explication / 1
Z2014.D7 E42 1985 English drama of the nineteenth century : an index and finding guide / 1
Z2014.D7 E44 English drama, excluding Shakespeare : select bibliographical guides / 1
Z2014.D7 E44 PR625 English drama, excluding Shakespeare : select bibliographical guides / 1
Z2014.D7 F67 Caroline drama : a bibliographic history of criticism / 1
Z2014.D7 F67 1992 Caroline drama : a bibliographic history of criticism / 1
Z2014.D7 G73 2004 English dramatic interludes, 1300-1580 : a reference guide / 1
Z2014.D7 G73 2004 PR643.I57 English dramatic interludes, 1300-1580 : a reference guide / 1
Z2014.D7 G78 A bibliography of the English printed drama to the restoration / 1
Z2014.D7 H2 1860 A dictionary of old English plays, existing either in print or in manuscript, from the earliest times to the close of the seventeenth century : including also notices of Latin plays written by English authors during the same period / 1
Z2014.D7 H25 Annals of English drama, 975-1700 : an analytical record of all plays, extant or lost, chronologically arranged and indexed by authors, titles, dramatic companies, etc. / 1
Z2014.D7 H25 1964 Annals of English drama, 975-1700 : an analytical record of all plays, extant or lost / 1
Z2014.D7 H25 1964 Suppl Annals of English drama, 975-1700 : a supplement to the revised edition / 1
Z2014.D7 H25 1989 Annals of English drama, 975-1700 : an analytical record of all plays, extant or lost, chronologically arranged and indexed by authors, titles, dramatic companies & c. / 1