Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z2049 .T47 Bibliothecae medicae, sive, Catalogus variorum librorum ex bibliothecis selectissimis eruditissim. medicorum D. Christ. Terne, D. Thomae Allen ... : una cum appendice librorum medicinalium D. Roberti Talbor. ... : Quorum auctio habenda est Londini apud Domum Auctionarium ex adverso Nigri Cygni in vico vulgo Ave-Mary-Lane, propè Ludgate-Street, 12 die Aprilis, 1686 / 2
Z2049 .U54 Finding guides to the British Studies collections in the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries / 1
Z2049 .U54 1992 Finding guides to selected British Studies collections at the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries. 1
Z2049 .U54 1995 Finding guides to the British Studies Collections in the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries.
Finding guides to the British Studies collections in the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries /
Z2049 .U54 1998 Finding guides to the British Studies Collections in the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries. 1
Z2049 .U54 2004 A finding guide to the British government publications at the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries. 1
Z2049 .U55 2004 A finding guide to the British Studies collections in the Map Library at the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries / 1
Z2051 .G7 1982 Scotland / 1
Z2051 .G7 1998 Scotland / 1
Z2051 .N37 Reader's guide to Scotland : a bibliography. 1
Z2051 DA757.5 .S64 1998eb Scotland / 1
Z2053 .D89 Scott & his Scotland : a catalogue to mark the bicentenary of the birth of Sir Walter Scott. 1
Z2054 .S84 1987 Scottish texts and calendars : an analytical guide to serial publications / 1
Z2057 .A35 Scottish literature in English and Scots : a guide to information sources / 1
Z2057 .A65 Annual bibliography of Scottish literature. 1
Z2057 .D55 A survey of Scottish literature in the nineteenth century (with some reference to the eighteenth) / 1
Z2057 .R35 1968 Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica, or, an account of all the books which have been printed in the Gaelic language. With bibliographical and biographical notices. 1
Z2057 .U5 A register of Scottish literary studies. 1
Z2059.F4 B8 The Glasgow novel, 1870-1970 : a bibliography. 1
Z2059.G3 M3 1915a Typographia Scoto-Gadelica. 1