Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z232.A145 A45 A ledger of Charles Ackers, printer of The London Magazine / 1
Z232.A18 B4 Elmer Adler in the world of books : reminiscences of Frederick B. Adams, Jr., John T. Winterich, Lawrance Thompson, Kneeland McNulty, Al Hine, David Jackson McWilliams, Edward Naumburg, Jr., Philip C. Duschnes, Elmer Adler. 1
Z232.A5 A4 2000 The correspondence of Johann Amerbach : early printing in its social context / 1
Z232.A76 F73 1986 The Ashendene Press / 1
Z232.A76 F73 1986x The Ashendene Press / 1
Z232.A8 F7 Indice cronológico de los trabajos ejecutados en la Imprenta de los Niños Expósitos de Buenos Aires : durante los siglos XVIII y XIX y que existen en la Biblioteca Pública Provincial de La Plata / 1
Z232.A82 A84 A hand-list of the books printed at the Ashendene Press, MDCCCXCV-MCMXXV. 1
Z232.B14 W45 2013 Jodocus Badius Ascensius : commentary, commerce and print in the Renaissance / 1
Z232.B145 N57 2013eb Lydia Bailey : a checklist of her imprints / 2
Z232.B192 S6 The story of Baltimore Business Forms. 1
Z232.B195 S6 Pioneer printer : Samuel Bangs in Mexico and Texas / 1
Z232.B195 S6 1963 Pioneer printer : Samuel Bangs in Mexico and Texas / 1
Z232.B2 B4 1944 John Baskerville, type-founder and printer, 1706-1775 / 1
Z232.B2 D73 The survival of Baskerville's punches / 1
Z232.B2 G3 1959 John Baskerville : a bibliography. 1
Z232.B2 P37 1975 John Baskerville of Birmingham : letter-founder and printer / 1
Z232.B23 B64 1992 Govert Basson : printer, bookseller, publisher, Leiden 1612-1630 / 1
Z232.B25 D6 Thomas Basson, 1555-1613, English printer at Leiden. 1
Z232.B273 Gutenberg's fingerprint : a book lover bridges the digital divide / 1
Z232.B44 F5 1995 The first twenty-five years of the Beehive Press / 1