Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z232.C38 C42 Catalogue of the loan collection of antiquities, curiosities, and appliances connected with the art of printing, South Kensington [for] Caxton Celebration, 1877 / 1
Z232.C38 C43 2006 Caxton's trace : studies in the history of English printing / 1
Z232.C38 D7 William Caxton / 1
Z232.C38 D7 1905 William Caxton / 1
Z232.C38 D7 1970 William Caxton. 1
Z232.C38 D8 William Caxton and William Morris: comparisons and contrasts : [a lecture] 1
Z232.C38 K67 2009 The old printer and the modern press / 1
Z232.C38 K72 1976 William Caxton and Charles Knight ; with an introd. by Kenneth Day. 1
Z232.C38 K88 2008 Symbolic Caxton : literary culture and print capitalism / 1
Z232.C38 K88 2008eb Symbolic Caxton : literary culture and print capitalism / 2
Z232.C38 M32 A biography of William Caxton : the first English editor, printer, merchant, and translator / 1
Z232.C38 N44 1986 The printer & the pardoner : an unrecorded indulgence printed by William Caxton for the Hospital of St. Mary Rounceval, Charing Cross / 1
Z232.C38 P33 1976  
Z232.C38 P33 1977 William Caxton : a biography / 1
Z232.C38 P7 1925 William Caxton, 1424-1491 / 1
Z232.C38 W34 1960 William Caxton : a paper read before the Caxton Club on January 31, 1958 / 1
Z232.C38 W6 William Caxton & his work : a paper read at a meeting of the Club of odd volumes in Boston, Massachusetts, in January 1908, with a letter from the author / 1
Z232.C48 K3 Joseph Charless : printer in the western country. 1
Z232.C52 A3 The University of Chicago Press: catalogue of books & journals : 1891-1965. 1
Z232.C55 F37 2008 Willard Clark : printer & printmaker / 1