Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z242.T6 B3 The image of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist, contayning a very fruitfull exposition or paraphrase vpon the same. Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures, and most auctorised histories. /
The power of kings discussed: or, An examen of the fundamentall constitution of the free-borne people of England in answer to severall tenents of M. David Jenkins. /
The Compleat tutor to the violin containing very plain & easy directions for young beginners with variety of the newest tunes, particularly those performed at the Ball at St. James on the king's birthday last, all the newest French-dances and minuetts now used at the dancing schools, severall new ayres perform'd at both the theatres, and flourishes in every key /
Z242.T6 B37 Erotopaignion or the Cyprian academy. 1
Z242.T6 B4 De disciplinis, et scientiis in genere Et de recto ordine quo sunt in scholis & academiis docendæ, & a juventute discendæ. Quibus addita est recta delineatio, disciplinæ universalis, seu primæ philosophiæ. Itemque logicæ. /
Looke beyond Luther: or An answere to that question, so often and so insultingly proposed by our aduersaries, asking vs; where this our religion was before Luthers time? VVhereto are added sound props to beare vp honest-hearted Protestants, that they fall not from their sauing-faith. By Richard Bernard, of Batcombe in Sommersetshire.
Z242.T6 B5 The Holy Bible Containing the Old Testament and the New: /
Novum D.N Jesu Christi Testamentum juxta editionem Bibliorum polyglot. In qua textus Græcus, cum versione interlineari, & vulg. Lat. Translationes antiquæ Syriaca Arabica Æthiopica totius Novi Testamenti Persica evangeliorum et singularum versiones Latinæ. Omnia eo ordine disposita, ut textus cum versionibus uno intuitu conferri possint. Cum variis lectionibus & annotationibus Grec. Lat. Syr. Æthiop. Persic. &c.
The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. newly translated out of the original tongues ; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. By His Majesties speciall commandement.
Het Nievwe Testament, dat is: Het Nieuwe Verbont onses heeren Jesu Christi:
Tēs Kainēs Diathēkēs apanta. Novi Testamenti libri omnes ... : cum notis & animaduersionibus doctissimorum /
Hē Kainē Diathēkē. Nouum Iesu Christi D.N. testamentum. : Cum obscuriorum vocum & quorundam loquendi generum accuratis interpretationibus margini adscriptis.
Harmonia ex tribus euangelistis composita, Matthaeo, Marco, et Lvca adivncto seorsum Iohanne, quòd pauca cum aliis communia habeat. /
Analysis logica epistolarum Pauli ad Romanos, Corinthios, Galatas, Ephesios, Philippenses, Colossenses, Thessalonicenses Una cum scholiis & observationibus locorum doctrinae. /
The Holy Bible contayning the Old, and New Testaments newly translated out of the originall tongues, and with ye former translations : diligently compared, and revised by his Majesties speciall com[m]and.
Biblia sacra, sive, Testamentvm Vetvs
The New Testament Of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : Newly translated out of the Originall Greeke, and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, by his Majesties speciall commandement.
The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Newly translated out of the Original Greek ; and with the former Translations diligently Compared and Revised.
Biblia Sacra, sive, Testamentum Vet[us] /
The New Testament of our Lord and Savior [sic] Jesus Christ Newly translated out of the Original Greek ; and with the former Translations diligently Compared and Revised.
The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments /
Biblia sacra, sive, Testamentum Vetus
The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New /
The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New:
The New Testament of Ovr Lord and Saviovr Iesvs Christ
Z242.T6 B55 A blowe at the root. Or, Some observations towards a discovery of the subtilties and devices of Satan, practised against the church and truth of Christ; as in all ages, so in these times especially. Febr. the 20. 1650. I have perused this discourse, (intituled, A discovery of the subtilties of Satan, &c.) with much satisfaction and contentment, and approving it to be very learned, solid and judicious, I doe licence it to bee printed and published as well worthy the reading of all who desire to be satisfied by such a discovery.
The English improver, or a new survey of husbandry. Discovering to ye kingdome, that some land, both arrable and pasture, may be advanced double or treble; other land to a five or tenfold: and some to a twenty fold improvement: yea, some now not worth above one, or two shillings, per acree, be made worth thirty, or forty, if not more. Clearly demonstrated from principles of sound reason, ingenuity, and late but most certaine reall experiences. Held forth under six peeces of improvement: viz. 1. By floating or watering such lands as are capable thereof. 2. By reducing boggy or drowned land to found pasture. 3. By such a way of ploughing and corneing old courser pasture, as not to impoverish it; and by such a method of enclosure, as shall provide for poore, and all interests without depopulation. 4. By discovering divers materials for soyle and compost, with the nature and use of them, as both tillage and pasture be advanced as high as promised. 5. By such a new plantation of divers sorts of woods, as in twenty yeares, they shall rise more than in forty yeares naturally. 6. By a more moderate improvement of other sorts of lands, according to their capacities they lye under, by more common experiences. /
The order of dyeting of horses aswell when they rest, as when they traueyle, wherein is contayned not onely the keepers office, but also many preceptes necessarye to be knowne of the ferrer or horselech: /
The title-page as bibliographical evidence /
Z242.T6 B6 A boke of the propertyes of herbes the whiche is called an herbal.
Geographiae sacrae pars prior Phaleg seu De dispersione gentium et terrarum diuisione facta in ædificatione turris Babel. Cum tabula chorographica, & duplici indice, I. Locorum scripturæ. 2. Rerum & verborum ... /
Z242.T6 B7 Babels fall, in the foolish virgins sleep. Among which Presbytery lyeth, with predictions of the great disputed to be at the raising of the true ministry. / 1
Z242.T6 B8 Virginia impartially examined, and left to publick view, to be considered by all iudicious and honest men. Under which title, is comprehended the degrees from 34 to 39, wherein lyes the rich and healthfull countries of Roanock, the now plantations of Virginia and Mary-land. Looke not upon this booke, as those that are set out by private men, for private ends; for being read, you'l find, the publick good is the authors onely aime. For this piece is no other then the adventurers or planters faithfull steward, disposing the adventure for the best advantage, advising people of all degrees, from the highest master, to the meanest servant, how suddenly to raise their fortunes. Peruse the table, and you shall finde the way plainely layd downe. /
The baiting of the Popes bvll, or, An vnmasking of the mystery of iniquity folded vp in a most pernitious breeue or bull, sent from the Pope lately into England, to cawse a rent therein, for his reentry : with an advertisement to the Kings seduced subiects /
Z242.T6 C3 Helpes for discovery of the truth in point of toleration: being the judgment of that eminent scholler Tho. Cartwright, sometimes Divinity-Professor in the University of Cambridge in the reigne of Queen Elizabeth of happy memory, and then a famous non-conformist, for which through the tyranny of the Bishops he suffered exile. Wherein the power and duty of the magistrate in relation to matters of religion is discussed; as also whether the judiciall lawes given by Moses to the Jewes are abrogate by the coming of Christ. More particularly in relation to some sinnes, viz. blasphemy, adultery, &c. Occasionally handled in a controversie betweene the said publike professor T.C. and Doctor Whitgift. Here also by the way is laid downe his judgment in the case of divorce, and that the party innocent may marrie again. 1
Z242.T6 C45 The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England.
A Choice collection of ayres for the harpsichord or spinett with very plain & easey directions for young beginners : never before published /
Z242.T6 C6 King Charls his case: or, An appeal to all rational men, concerning his tryal at the High Court of Iustice. Being for the most part that which was intended to have been delivered at the bar, if the King had pleaded to the charge, and put himself upon a fair tryal. With an additional opinion concerning the death of King James, the loss of Rochel, and, the blood of Ireland. /
Colonel Grey's portmanteau opened his sealed, mis-directed, and returned letter discovered by a copie thereof, found among his other papers, which is here printed and published with some queries and animadversions thereupon. To deliver, from the dangers of their caballs, such as are not acquainted with Scottish methods and mysteries.
Porta linguarum trilinguis reserata et aperta. Sive Seminarium linguarum & scientiarum omnium, hoc est, compendiaria Latinam, Anglicam, Gallicam (& quamvis aliam) linguam vnà cum artium & scientiarum fundamentis sesquianni spatio ad summum docendi & perdiscendi methodus, sub titulis centum, periodis mille comprehensa. Latinè primùm. Nunc verò gratitudinis ergò in illustrissimi principis Caroli Britannicaéque Gallicae & Hybernicae pubis, gratiam, Latinè, Anglicè & Gallicè in lucem eruta, /
The compleat instructor to the flute. Containing very plain & easie directions for young beginners, with variety of ye newest & best tunes, particularly the dances, song tunes & ye rest of ye musick in the Iubilee. Also all ye minuetts, boreys, regadoons, marches, trumpett tunes and song tunes now in use, to which is added ye newest French dances perform'd at ye ball at St. Iameses on ye princes birth day last.
The controversie concerning liberty of conscience in matters of religion,
Z242.T6 C67 The comely frontispiece : the emblematic title-page in England, 1550-1660 / 1
Z242.T6 C7 Six sonatas or solos three for a violin and three for a flute with a thorough bass for ye harpsichord, theorboe or bass viol / 1
Z242.T6 C8 The English physician or an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation Being a compleat method of physick, whereby a man may preserve his body in health; or cure himself, being sick, for three pence charge, with such things onely as grow in England, they being most fit for English bodies. Herein is also shewed, 1. The way of making plaisters, oyntments, oyls, pultisses, syrups, decoctions, julips, or waters of all sorts of physical herbs, that you may have them ready for your use at all times of the year. 2. What planet governeth every herb or tree (used in physick) that groweth in England. 3. The time of gathering all herbs, but [sic] vulgarly, and astrologically. 4. The way of drying and keeping the herbs all the year. 5. The way of keeping the juyces ready for use at all times. 6. The way of making and keeping all kinde of usefull compounds made of herbs. 7. The way of mixing medicines according to cause and mixture of the disease, and part of the body afficted. By N. Culpeper, student in physick and astrology. 1
Z242.T6 D3 A booke of cookery and the order of meates to bee served to the table, both for flesh and fish days. With many excellent way's for the dressing of all vsual sorts of meat's both bak'd boyld or rosted of flesh, fish, fowle or others with their proper sauces. As also many rare inventions in cookery for made dishes: with most notable preserves of sundry sorts of Fruits. Likewise for making many precious waters, with divers approved medicines for grievous diseases. With certaine points of husbandry, how to order oxen horses sheep hogges, & with many other necessary points for husbandmen to know. 1
Z242.T6 D4 Fasciculus chemicus, or, Chymical collections. Expressing the ingress, progress, and egress, of the secret hermetick science, out of the choisest and most famous authors. /
The passions of the soule in three books the first, treating of the passions in generall, and occasionally of the whole nature of man. The second, of the number, and order of the passions, and the explication of the six primitive ones. The third, of particular passions. /
Z242.T6 D47 Dermaeckelijcke vertellinge, en geschiedenissen ... 1
Z242.T6 D547 2017 Die Syntax von Titelblättern des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts / 1
Z242.T6 D6 A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation serving for the more easie finding out of the most useful places therein contained / 1
Z242.T6 D6 1904 The practice of typography : a treatise on title-pages, with numerous illustrations in facsimile and some observations on the early and recent printing of books / 1