Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z2461 .H87 DH905 Luxembourg / 1
Z2461 DH905 .H87 1997eb Luxembourg / 1
Z2464.H5 B5 Bibliographie zur Geschichte Luxemburgs. 1
Z2483 The American bibliography of Slavic and East European studies : 1993 / 1
Z2483 .A2 ABSEES.
Abstracts, Russian and East European series : ABREES.
Z2483 .A65 American bibliography of Russian and East European studies. 1
Z2483 .A652 The American bibliography of Slavic and East European studies. 1
Z2483 .B35 Suppl Bibliographie slavistischer Arbeiten aus den wichtigsten englischsprachigen Fachzeitschriften, sowie Fest- und Sammelschriften 1922-1976 / 1
Z2483 .B48 Bibliographic guide to Soviet and East European studies.
G.K. Hall bibliographic guide to Slavic, Baltic, and Eurasian studies.
Bibliographic guide to Slavic, Baltic, and Eurasian studies.
Z2483 .B5 Die Bibliographie in den europäischen Ländern der Volksdemokratie : Entwicklung und gegenwärtiger Stand / 1
Z2483 .B56 East European and Slavic studies / 2
Z2483 .B78 1992 Bibliographien zum Schrifttum aus und über Osteuropa : Katalog des Bibliographischen Lesesaales der Bibliothek des Osteuropa-Instituts Berlin / 1
Z2483 .B89 1995 Eastern Europe : a bibliographic guide to English language publications, 1986-1993 / 1
Z2483 .B9 Bibliography of American publications on East Central Europe, 1945-1957. 1
Z2483.C6 J3 1987 Rare books Slavica in the University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colorado / 1
Z2483.C6 J3 1987x Rare books Slavica in the University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colorado / 1
Z2483 .D54 Scholars' guide to Washington, D.C. for Central and East European studies : Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Germany (FRG & GDR), Greece (Ancient & Modern), Hungary, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Yugoslavia / 1
Z2483 .D54 DJK9 Scholars' guide to Washington, D.C. for Central and East European studies : Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Germany (FRG & GDR), Greece (Ancient & Modern), Hungary, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Yugoslavia / 2
Z 2483 .E 2 DJK 9 East Central and Southeast Europe : a handbook of library and archival resources in North America / 1
Z 2483 .E 2 DJK 9 East Central and Southeast Europe : a handbook of library and archival resources in North America / 1