Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z250.8.F65 M69 1995 Fontographer : type by design / 1
Z250.8.M46 K574 1986 Computer modern typefaces / 1
Z250.8.M46 K578 1986 METAFONT : the program / 1
Z250.8.M46 K578 1992  
Z250.8.M46 K58 1986 The METAFONTbook / 1
Z251.A6 Arabic script in motion : a theory of temporal text-based art /
Arabic type-making in the machine age : the influence of technology on the form of Arabic type, 1908-1993 /
Z251.A6 A25 2001 Arabic typography : a comprehensive sourcebook / 1
Z251.A6 B68 2017 Arabic for designers : an inspirational guide to Arabic culture and creativity / 1
Z251.A6 K43 2019 Arabic script in motion : a theory of temporal text-based art / 1
Z251.A6 N46 2017 Arabic type-making in the machine age : the influence of technology on the form of Arabic type, 1908-1993 / 1
Z251.B45 R67 1999 The printed Bengali character and its evolution / 1
Z251.F7 V35 La typographie / 1
Z251.G7 B37 1992 Aldus Manutius and the development of Greek script & type in the fifteenth century / 1
Z251.G7 B8 Greek printing types 1465-1927 : facsimiles from an exhibition of books illustrating the development of Greek printing shown in the British Museum 1927 / 1
Z251.G7 G74 1996 Greek letters : from tablets to pixels / 1
Z251.G7 P9 1966 The printing of Greek in the 15th century / 1
Z251.I7 L9 The Irish character in print, 1571-1923 / 1
Z251.I7 L9 1969 The Irish character in print, 1571-1923 / 1
Z251.I7 M39 1992 Irish type design : a history of printing types in the Irish character / 1
Z251.K65 A52 2015 Kojŏn esŏ mannan uri kŭmsok hwalcha / 1