Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z286.N48 Y68 2007 Death, sex & money : life inside a newspaper / 1
Z286.O63 Knowledge unbound : selected writings on open access, 2002-2011 /
Open access /
Open access in theory and practice : the theory-practice relationship and openness /
Open access to knowledge in Nigeria : a framework for developing countries /
Tendencias recientes en las políticas científicas de ciencia abierta y acceso abierto en Iberoamérica /
Open licensing for cultural heritage /
Developing open access journals a practical guide /
The State of Open Data : Histories and Horizons.
Achieving global open access : the need for scientific, epistemic, and participatory openness /
Kooperative Informationsinfrastrukturen als Chance und Herausforderung : Festschrift für Thomas Bürger zum 65. Geburtstag /
Open access in theory and practice the theory-practice relationship and openness /
Kooperative Informationsinfrastrukturen als Chance und Herausforderung : Festschrift für Thomas Bürger zum 65. Geburtstag /
Z286 .O63 Oclc systems and services : international digital library perspectives, volume 31-2. 1
Z286.O63 B35 2023 Athena unbound : why and how scholarly knowledge should be free for all / 1
Z286.O63 C73 2011 Open Access : What You Need to Know Now.
Open access : what you need to know now /
Z286.O63 E34 2018i The economics of open access on the future of academic publishing / 1
Z286.O63 E94 2014 Open access and the humanities : contexts, controversies and the future / 1
Z286.O63 .E94 2014eb Open access and the humanities : contexts, controversies and the future / 1
Z286.O63 H35 2008 Digitize this book! : the politics of new media, or why we need open access now / 1
Z286.O63 H35 2008eb Digitize this book! the politics of new media, or why we need open access now / 1
Z286.O63 .I878 eb Issues in open research data / 1
Z286.O63 .K68 Building Equitable Access to Knowledge Through Open Access Repositories. 1
Z286.O63 M85 2010 Open access and its practical impact on the work of academic librarians collection development, public services, and the library and information science literature / 1
Z286.O63 O495 2013eb La edicion universitaria en el contexto de la ciencia abierta.
La edición universitaria en el contexto de la ciencia abierta /
Z286.O63 O63 2017 Open : the philosophy and practices that are revolutionizing education and science / 1
Z286.O63 .O646 2006eb Open access : key strategic, technical and economic aspects / 1
Z286.O63 O648 2021 Open access implications for sustainable social, political, and economic development / 1
Z286.O63 O66 2018 Open divide : critical studies on open access / 1
Z286.O63 P73 2017eb Praxishandbuch Open Access / 3
Z286.O63 R43 2020eb Reassembling scholarly communications : histories, infrastructures, and global politics of open access / 1