Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z286.S37 H95 2015 Academic publishing : issues and challenges in the construction of knowledge / 1
Z286.S37 I17 IASP newsletter. 1
Z286.S37 I55 1983 Proceedings from the 3rd International Conference on Scholarly Publishing, London, October 20-21, 1983. 1
Z286.S37 J64 2011eb Publishing from your PhD : negotiating a crowded jungle / 1
Z286.S37 J64 2016 Publishing from your PhD negotiating a crowded jungle / 1
Z286.S37 J83 2018eb Los libros academicos y su futuro : un informe para el consejo de investigacion en Artes y Humanidades y la Biblioteca Británica / 1
Z286.S37 K58 2005 The academic's guide to publishing / 2
Z286.S37 L87 2010 Publish don't perish : 100 tips that improve your ability to get published / 1
Z286.S37 M3 Information through the printed word : the dissemination of scholarly, scientific, and intellectual knowledge / 2
Z286.S37 M38 1991 Persist and publish : helpful hints for academic writing and publishing / 3
Z286.S37 M38 1991eb Persist and publish : helpful hints for academic writing and publishing / 1
Z286.S37 M63 MLA directory of scholarly presses in language and literature. 1
Z286.S37 M678 2009eb Scholarly communication for librarians 1
Z286.S37 M69 1989 The ACLS survey of scholars : final report of views on publications, computers, and libraries / 2
Z286.S37 M7 1992 Publish, don't perish : the scholar's guide to academic writing and publishing / 1
Z286.S37 M7 1992b Publish, don't perish : the scholar's guide to academic writing and publishing / 1
Z286.S37 N35 2018 Appraising scholarly impact using directed qualitative content analysis : a study of article title attributes in management research / 1
Z286.S37 N37 1979 Scholarly communication : the report of the National Enquiry. 1
Z286.S37 N467 2005 New challenges facing academic librarians today : electronic journals, archival digitization, document delivery, etc. / 1
Z286.S37 N685 2019 Novice Writers and Scholarly Publication / 1