Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z286.S4 A53 2008 Dutch messengers : a history of science publishing, 1930-1980 / 1
Z286.S4 A53 2008eb Dutch messengers : a history of science publishing, 1930-1980 / 1
Z286.S4 C46 2001 A century of science publishing : a collection of essays / 1
Z286.S4 ebook La divulgación científica. 1
Z286.S4 F56 1989 Financial management of scientific journals / 1
Z286.S4 G84 2001 In Oldenburg's long shadow : librarians, research scientists, publishers, and the control of scientific publishing / 1
Z286.S4 H7278 2022 Loath to print : the reluctant scientific author, 1500-1750 / 1
Z286.S4 I56 1989 Peer review in scientific publishing : papers from the First International Congress on Peer Review in Biomedical Publication / 1
Z286.S4 L33 1992 Stealing into print : fraud, plagiarism, and misconduct in scientific publishing / 1
Z286.S4 L33 1992eb Stealing into print : fraud, plagiarism, and misconduct in scientific publishing / 1
Z286.S4 L43 2015 Learning from the BRICS : open access to scientific information in emerging countries / 1
Z286.S4 L56 2011eb Guide de rédaction scientifique : L'hypothèse, clé de voûte de l'article scientifique / 1
Z286.S4 O28 1986 How to copyedit scientific books & journals / 1
Z286.S4 S25 2010 Scientific publishing : from vanity to strategy /
Scientific publishing from vanity to strategy /
Z286.S4 S35 2012 Science in print : essays on the history of science and the culture of print / 1
Z286.S47 C85 2011 The culture of the publisher's series /
The culture of the publisher's series.
Z286.S47C85 2011 The Culture of the Publisher's Series, Volume 1 : Authors, Publishers and the Shaping of Taste. 1
Z286.S47 C85 2011eb v.1 The culture of the publisher's series. 1
Z286.S47 ebook La colección : auge y consolidación de un objeto editorial : (Europa/Américas, siglos XVIII-XXI) / 1
Z286.T4 D84 1985 The technical, scientific, and medical publishing market / 1