Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z305 .B32 Shakespeare and Company. 1
Z305.B33 A3 2010 The letters of Sylvia Beach / 1
Z305.B33 A3 2021 "Your friend if ever you had one" : the letters of Sylvia Beach to James Joyce / 2
Z305.B33 F57 1983 Sylvia Beach and the lost generation : a history of literary Paris in the twenties and thirties / 1
Z305.B33 M87 2003 Passage de l'Odéon : Sylvia Beach, Adrienne Monnier et la vie littéraire à Paris dans l'entre-deux-guerres / 1
Z305 .B35 1913 Le commerce des livres prohibés à Paris de 1750 à 1789. 1
Z305 .B37 1994 Les pendus de Victor Hugo : scènes de la vie d'un éditeur / 1
Z305.B38 D47 1994 Une étrange planète / 1
Z305.B53 D67 1991 Letteratura per il popolo in Francia (1600-1750) : proposte di lettura della "Bibliothèque bleue" / 1
Z305 .B72 2018 Publishing networks in France in the early era of print / 1
Z305 .B72 2018eb Publishing networks in France in the early era of print / 1
Z305 .C543 2009 Into print : the production of female authorship in early modern France / 1
Z305 .C59 1997 Le commerce de la librairie en france au XIXe siècle : 1798-1914 / 1
Z305.C64 C67 1983 Souvenirs désordonnés : (....-1965) / 1
Z305 .D34 2018eb A literary tour de France : the world of books on the eve of the French Revolution / 1
Z305 .D35 2006 Confiscations at customs : banned books and the French booktrade during the last years of the Ancien régime / 1
Z305 .D4 2002 De la publication entre renaissance et lumières / 1
Z305.D47 The risky business of French feminism : publishing, politics, and artistry / 2
Z305.D47 S94 2014eb The risky business of French feminism : publishing, politics, and artistry / 1
Z305.E27 E23 1998 L'édition française depuis 1945 / 1