Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z330.6.L6 C48 1987 Memorials of the book trade in medieval London : the archives of old London Bridge / 1
Z330.6.L6 L66 2003 The London book trade : topographies of print in the metropolis from the sixteenth century / 1
Z330.6.L6 M45 2005 A chronology and calendar of documents relating to the London book trade, 1641-1700 / 1
Z330.6.L6 P4 1987 The bookshops of London / 1
Z330.6.L6 P4 1987b The bookshops of London / 1
Z330.6.L6 R43 1974 Reminiscences of literary London from 1779 to 1853. : The rise and progress of the Gentleman's magazine / 1
Z330.6.L6 S76 2005 'Tis treason, my good man! : four revolutionary presidents and a Piccadilly bookshop / 1
Z330.6.L6 T6 A directory of printers and others in allied trades, London and vicinity 1800-1840;
A directory of printers and others in allied trades, London and vicinity 1800-1840 /
Z330.6.L6 T68 To the Honourable House of Commons the humble petition and case of Henry Mortlock, Matthew Gilliflower, William Hensman, Thomas Fox, and John Fish, booksellers in Westminster Hall. 2
Z330.6 .L66 A catalogue of mathematical books, maritime charts, draughts, prints and pictures, /
Advertisement to gentlemen and booksellers. Just publish'd, the second edition of Mr. Hill's History of the whole Ottoman empire, in folio (with a new preface, and several copies of verses, writen [sic] by some of the most ingenious men of the age ...) consisting of fifty-two chapters ... gentlemen and booksellers may have them at a moderate price, bound or unbound, of J. Mayo, over against Water-Lane-End in Fleet-street, and J. Woodward, in St. Christophers-Church-Yard, Thread-needle-Street, by the Royal-Exchange, and most booksellers.
Advertisement. These are to give notice to all gentlemen and others, that there is now published, by John Bradford (and to be continued yearly) ... a large broadsheet, intituled, the The British annalist, shewing all the most remarkable occurrences ... at home and abroad, from the beginning of Queen Ann's reign to the year 1705 ... : at the same place is to be had the True gazeteer's select history of Europe, illustrated with 10 maps ... also ... a broad sheet, called, The merchants, or traders, necessary companion ..
Advertisement. Tuesday, April 21. 1702. The Daily courant, which for some time has been dispers'd gratis, to give the town a taste of it; began yesterday to be sold ..
Advertisement to booksellers. December 8th, 1703. A third and last part of the Roman history in one volume 8vo, being a continuation of Mr. Echard's first and second ... will in a short time be published by the proprietors of the former ..
Advertisement. Richard Newcomb, printer, from Blackfryers, now liveth in the Great Old-Baily, at the sign of the Dyers-Arms, near the Sessions-House: where he printeth all sorts of books ..
There is now published the most authentick account (from original papers and unquestionable records) of the rise, progress and contrivance of the horrid plot and conspiracy against the life of His most sacred Majesty King William the Third ...
This day is publish'd, by John Nutt, near Stationers Hall, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, a second edition of an essay on the value of the mines late of Sir Carbery Pryse ...
Advertisement. Whereas there was some base and scandalous reflections in Smiths Intelligence, Tuesday Febr. 8 to Febr. 11. against Mr. Hanway ... which ahs since been proved be several eminent persons upon oath, to be false and scandalous: and ... finds the said Francis Smith the bookseller, to disown the knowledge of the publication thereof, but says, it was put in by ... one Nathaniel Crouch ..
[Advertisement] The pleasures of matrimony; intermix'd with variety of merry and delightful stories ... price 1 s. sold by H. Rhodes, at the Star the corner of Bride-lane in Fleetstreet ..
Whereas an invidious advertisement was publish'd last week affirming, that the translation of Sallust, lately printed, is publish'd under the name of one John Rowe, Esq; to deceive gentlemen into a belief that 'tis Mr. Rowe, author of Tamerlane, etc. This is to satisfy the world, that the malicious insinuation in the late advertisement is altogether false and groundless ..
Advertisement. A choice collection of papers relating to state affairs during the late revolution; some whereof were never before printed. Price 6s. ... Sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster.
A looking-glass for informers. Advertisement. There is this day published a new book discovering: [list of 14 items]. ... Illustrated with several copper plates.
Books printed for William Whitwood at the Rose and Crown in Little-Britain; at which place you may have ready money for any parcel or library of books.
This day is publish'd. The laity's remonstrance to the late prepresentation of the H. of C--n; with a turn of the tables. Price 6 d. [etc.] ... Just publishe'd. The second part of the secret history of the October Clubb ... To morrow [sic] will be publish'd. A collections of hymns and poems for the use of the October-Clubb ... This week will be publish'd. The re-representation ... Printed for J. Baker at the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row.
Some books lately printed for, and to be sold by Abel Swall and Tim. Child at the Unicorn in St. Paul's Church-Yard.
Advertisements. This day is publish'd, The case is alter'd: or, Duntons re-marriage to the same wife ... Marci Hieronymi Vidae Cremonensis Albi Episcop. Poeticorum libri tres ..
Rec'd Dec.[r] 12. 1715 of Mr. John Hausted three shillings being the first payment to y[e] Gramar [sic] of Heraldry which I promise to deliver so soon as printed upon payment of y[e] remainder according to ye proposals
[Two memo leaflets, with various transactions in ms., mostly to do with books]
Advertisement to gentlemen. Just publish'd, the second edition of Mr. Hill's History of the whole Ottoman empire, in folio contains near a 110 sheets (with a new preface, and several copies of verses, by some of the most ingenious men of the age ...) consisting of fifty-two chapters ... gentlemen and others may have them at 12 s, per book, neatly bound in calves leather, gilt edges and letter'd on the back, , of J. Mayo only, over against Water-Lane-End in Fleet-street.
There is now fixed at the Exhange-House in Hatton-Garden, a general office for publishing and selling books and pamphlets; as also for printing and dispersing all other papers or advertisements that upon any occasion are required by any person to be given away gratis, and which call for either a speedy or a general publication; likewise for publishing and selling all sorts of merchandizes, goods and wares, by a method never hitherto made use of.
A [-?-] or two from [-?-] of the mss. in the Bodleyn [sic] at number 3622
Sir, You are desired to meet us and other members of the Company of Stationers, at Stationers-hall, on Tuesday the 13th. of this instant March, by eight of the clock in the morning, to consider of an instrument ready drawn up and perus'd by Council for discountenancing the abuse of hawkers, and improvement of the trade; whereof you are desired not to fail, /
For Mr. Cla[-?-] to be left at Mr. [C?]owley at his house in [?]field
The merchants daily companion:
At the Seven Stars in Sweetings-Ally, near the Royal Exchange in Cornhill. There is lately published, The wars in England, Scotland and Ireland, or An impartial account of all the battels, sieges, and other remarkable transactions ... which have happened from the beginning of the reign of King Charles the First, in 1625. to his Majesties happy restauration, 1660. ... Illustrated with pictures of several remarkable accidents curiously engraven on copper plates. Price one shilling.
[List of three book titles in ms.]
Advertisement to gentlemen. Whereas Hudibras, in three parts, written by Mr. Samuel Butler, has hitherto been printed on a scandalous paper (to the great abuse of the publick;) it is now printed on a very fine paper, and a new letter, illustrated with 19 cutts ... notwithstanding the false insinuations of Mr. Jacob Tonson, in the Gazette of Tuesday Novemb. 22. 1709, which are design'd only to hinder the sale of the said book ... This edition is sold for 5 s. bound in 3 volumes, and 4 s. in one, calves leather, by John Baker at the Black-Boy in Pater-noster-Row.
Advertisement. Whereas a newpaper, entitled the Female tatler, was expected to be published to day, this is to inform the town, that the said paper will certainly be publish'd on Friday next, by B. Bragge at the Black Raven in Paternoster Row ..
There are lately published seven new book[s] worthy the perusul [sic] of all ingenious persons: all printed for Nath. Crouch, at the Bell in the Poultrey near Cheapside.
Mr. Bagford I desire when you are at Oxford you will get a leaf or two transcribed out of a mss. in the Bodleyan Library at numb. 3622 Catalogus Mss. Librorum in Bibliotheca Medicea Florentine per Willialmum [sic] Langium. at Book Case 76 let the names of the books in that case be transcribed, and no more.
Proposals for the printing a description of the cities of London and Westminster, with the liberties and parts adjacent, according to their present state. And for as much as our American plantations are of such great concern in way of trade, &c. to this city and kingdom, there shall be printed a description thereof and that according to these particulars, /
William the Third, by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all the nobility and gentry of our kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, and to all other our loving subjects of what degree and quality soever, greeting. Whereas Richard Blome of London Gent. our cosmographical printer, hath represented unto us, that he hath undertaken the printing a new survey, or description of our cities of London and Westminster, with the liberties and parts adjacent; as also of the several American plantations ..
Si quis linqu[e?]s, Latinam, Germanicam, Gallicam, Belgicam aut Intalicam sci[-r?-] exoptat â me Ch. de Switerda, equite Brandenburgico, toparcha â Schonenwerder ...
This day is publish'd, on a broad-sheet of fine paper. The whole and exact list of the parliament, as well Scotch as English, dissolv'd the 21st of September last, wherein ... are distinguish'd those who voted for or against Dr. Henry Sacheverel ... Sold by A. Collins, at the Black-Boy over against St. Dunstans-Church in Fleet-street, price 2 d.
Advertisement. Whereas there is a paper publish'd, entituled, The true Protestant domestck [sic] intelligence; and that since it is generally concluded that Benjamin Harris; was the publisher of of the said late Intelligence ... this serves to certifie the world, that the said Benjamin Harris is neither directly nor indirectly concerned in that intelligence, nor any thing of that nature. /
Advertisement to gentlemen. Whereas Hudibras in three parts, written by Mr. Samuel Butler, has not till now been well or correctly printed, tho' sold at a large price, to the great abuse of the buyers. Therefore there is published a neat and correct pocket edition, printed upon a fine Dutch paper, with a new letter, illustrated with nineteen historical cuts, design'd and engrav'd by the best masters; also the author's effigies taken from the original and finely engraven, and sold for four shillings bound in one volume in claves leather, or five shillings bound in three volumes, by John Baker near the Queen's-Head-Tavern in Pater-Noster-Row ..
Two very useful and necessary books are published and sold by Nathaniel Crouch.
September 14. 1707. Advertisement. Speedily will be publish'd, The nature of impurity considered, wherein is discourse'd of the causes and consequences of this sin ... : To which is added, A discourse concerning the nature of Chastity, and the means of obtaining it. By J.F. Ostervald ... /
This day is publish'd, one hundred of the Tatlers, written by Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq. Printed in a neat pocket edition, on the same paper, and with same letter as this advertisement ... and sold by H. Hills in Black-Fryers, and J. Baker at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row. Price bound in calves leather, four shillings ... Hudibras in a neat pocket edition ..
This is to acquaint all gentlemen, ladies, and others; that on Thursday next, being the 8th of December, will be publish'd the Geographical-cards of England, part of Scotland and Ireland, with the adjacent coast of France and Flanders, curiously engraved on copper-plates, and finely colour'd ...
June 26. 1703. Whereas a nameless advertisement was slipt into the last Gazette, to insinuate that no body (through ignorance,) should meddle with the abridgment of the Lord Clarendon's History: this is to give notice to that body who is the publisher, or any body else, that, in the judgment of very ingenious persons who have perused it, the said abridgment is in all points perfect and entire ..
A catalogue of sermons printed and sold by Henry Hills in Black-Fryars, near the water-side.
Advertisement to booksellers. August 16. 1704. Tomorrow morning will be published The present state of Europe; or, The historical and political monthly Mercury, &c. for July 1704. Printed for H. Rhodes in Fleet-street, Eliz. Harris, at the Harrow in Little-Britain; and sold by J. Nutt, near Stationers-Hall.
An advertisement of two books.
This day will be publish'd. The golden spy: or, a political journal of the British nights entertainment in war and peace, and love and politicks ...
Ralph Woodson, Nath[anael?] Barlow
August the 6 17019 [sic] Mr. Badfords [sic] bill
Mr. Raylenson [sic] [account sheet]
A catalogue of books.
[Notes in mss. about holdings of the Bodleian and Merton College libraries]
Memorandum for Mr. Bagford. He tells me he hath a prospect or view of Oxford, done by Mr. Wenc. Holler, which I am very desirous of seeing ... /
Proposals for the printing an entire course or body of philosophy, according to the principles of the famous Renate Des Cartes, wrote in Latin by the learned Anthony Le Grand which will now be carefully translated into English by good hands, with large additions and alterations by the said author, and printed in folio, with an illustration of about an hundred ornamental scultptures /
Now published. The first vol. of the British Apollo, in a large 8vo ... The 2d edition of Mr. Hill's history of the whole Ottoman Empire, in folio ..
Mr. Bagford note for binding
Z330.6 .L66 1652 Worthy Sir, It cannot be unknown to you, what great benefit the church of God hath reaped by the care of learned men in publishing Holy Scriptures according to the best copies in the original and other learned tonges .. 1
Z330.6 .L66 1655 A second advertisement concerning Dr. Hewyts pretended sermons, to the book-sellers of London and all others whom it may concern 1
Z330.6 .L66 1680 Some books lately published by James Vade, at the Cock and Sugar-Loaf, near St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street.
There is newly published a very ingenious discourse, called, The French politician found out, or Considerations on the late pretensions that France claims to England and Ireland, and her designs and plots in order thereunto: by a Well-wisher of his countrey. In quarto. Price 6 d. Sold by Robert Harford bookseller at the Angel in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange. 1680.
Z330.6 .L66 1682 Advertisement. There is publish'd a new book; entituled, English liberties: or, The free born subjects inheritance ... And are to be sold by Benjamin Harris, at the Stationers Arms, under the piazza of the Royal Exchange; and John How, at the Seven Stars in Sweetings-Rents in Cornhill, 1682. Price bound, one shilling. 1
Z330.6 .L66 1683 Advertisement. Newly published; The present state of Denmark: together with reflections on the antient state thereof G. Pierreville, Gent. secretary to the king's minister, residing at the court of Denmark. Pirce bound one shilling. Sold by William Benbridg [sic] in Hudgins Alley, in Woodstreet. 1
Z330.6 .L66 1684 Advertisement. [T]here is newly published a very useful bood [sic], intituled Aristoteles masteriece. Or the secrets of generation [displa]yed in all the parts thereof. ... Price bound one shilling. .. 1
Z330.6 .L66 1690 [A]dvertisement of a very useful book now published, intituled, The art of brewing beer, ale, &c. The contents of the book are as follows, viz. .. 1
Z330.6 .L66 1691 Advertisement. Richard Newcomb, who liv'd in Blackfryers, is now remov'd to the Fleet; where he printeth all sorts of books .. 1
Z330.6 .L66 1693 Advertisement to booksellers. There is now published and sold by Randal Taylor near Stationers=Hall, Bibliotheca novissioma, Numb. 1. Or, a catalogue of books on divers subjects ... together with a catalogue of books lately printed, now printing, and reprinting in France, Germany, Holland, &c. .. 1
Z330.6 .L66 1695 There are lately published five very useful books. All sold by Nath Crouch at the Bell in the Poultrey near Cheapside. 1. The unfortunate court favourites of England ... 2. Unparallell'd [sic] varieties, or the Matchless actions and passions of mankind ... 3. The English heroe: or, Sir Francis Drake revived ... 4. Two journeys to Jerusalem ... 5. Surprizing miracles of nature and art, in two parts ..
Advertisement. The history of the bucaniers of America; or, A true account of the most remarkable assaults committed ... upon the coasts of the West-Indies ... Written by John Esquemeling, and Basil RIngrose ... in this second edition is added the dangerous voyages and bold attempts of Capt. Cook and Cap. Sharp in the South-Sea ... with the effigies of the bucaniers, curiously done in nineteen copper plates. In four parts compleat.
There is newly published, the four following usefull and necessary books. The queens closet opened ... The exact dealer refined ... the third edition, enlarged. ... The young secretary's guide: or, A speedy help to learning. In two parts. ... The strange and prodigious religions, customs, and manners, of sundry nations ... the second edition. All four printed for Henry Rhodes ..