Z330 .M37 1635
Catalogus librorum tam impressorum quam manuscriptorum, quos ex Roma, Venetiis, aliisque Italiae locis, selegit Robertus Martine Bibliopola Londinensis. Apud quem vaeneunt in coemiterio Divi Pauli. |
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Z330.3.E5 S56 2019
The Brand of Print : Marketing Paratexts in the Early English Book Trade. |
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Z330.3.N67 U53 1996
An uncommon bookman : essays in memory of J.R.R. Adams / |
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Z330.3.S24 C73 1638
Catalogus librorum, quos Ioannes Craw, mercator & municeps Edinburgi, academiae dederat, anno Dom. 1637. |
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Z330.3.S24 W37 1638
Catalogus librorum, qui summa quingentarum minarum, á bonae memoriae Domino, D. Henrico Wardlaw, á pitra via milite, testamento legatâ, comparati sunt, Anno Dom. |
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The Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland, 4 : Professionalism and Diversity 1880-2000. |
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Z330.3.S36 E35 2007
The Edinburgh history of the book in Scotland. |
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Z330.3.S36 J86 2018
The publishing and marketing of illustrated literature in Scotland, 1760-1825 / |
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Z330.3.W34 R39 2022
Publishing in Wales : renaissance and resistance / |
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Z330.6 .A38 1693
Advertisement April 3. 1693. Whereas there was lately notice given in the Gazette, of a new translation of Josephus, preparing for the press by Sir Roger L'Estrange and to be printed for Richard Sare .. |
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Z330.6 .B35 1684
The geometrical key: or, The gate of aequations unlockt. A new discovery of the constructions of all aequations howsoever affected, not exceeding the 4th degree; viz. of linears, quadratics, cubics, and biquadratics, and the finding of all their roots as well true as negative, without the use of mesolabe, and trisection of angles; without reduction ... / |
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Z330.6 .C38 1690
A catalogue of books (for the most part very scarce) bound, in folio, quarto, octavo, to be sold to booksellers only, at Rolls Coffee-house .. |
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Z330.6 .D68
Bookes as they are sold bound, at London, at Dublin with all other priuiledged bookes according to these differences in their prizes. |
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Z330.6 .E35 1695
Representation for Captain John Slezer, anent the history and present state of Scotland to be published by him |
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Z330.6 .G6
[Eight pages from unidentified theological work] |
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Z330.6.H84 C47 1982
Early Hull printers and booksellers : an account of the printing, bookselling, and allied trades from their beginnings to 1840 / |
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The bookshops of London / |
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Z330.6.L6 A27 2014
The house of twenty thousand books / |
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Z330.6.L6 C43 2020
London and the modernist bookshop / |
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