Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z330 .M37 1635 Catalogus librorum tam impressorum quam manuscriptorum, quos ex Roma, Venetiis, aliisque Italiae locis, selegit Robertus Martine Bibliopola Londinensis. Apud quem vaeneunt in coemiterio Divi Pauli. 1
Z330.3.E5 S56 2019 The Brand of Print : Marketing Paratexts in the Early English Book Trade. 2
Z330.3.N67 U53 1996 An uncommon bookman : essays in memory of J.R.R. Adams / 1
Z330.3.S24 C73 1638 Catalogus librorum, quos Ioannes Craw, mercator & municeps Edinburgi, academiae dederat, anno Dom. 1637. 1
Z330.3.S24 W37 1638 Catalogus librorum, qui summa quingentarum minarum, á bonae memoriae Domino, D. Henrico Wardlaw, á pitra via milite, testamento legatâ, comparati sunt, Anno Dom. 1
Z330.3.S36 The Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland, 4 : Professionalism and Diversity 1880-2000. 1
Z330.3.S36 E35 2007 The Edinburgh history of the book in Scotland. 1
Z330.3.S36 J86 2018 The publishing and marketing of illustrated literature in Scotland, 1760-1825 / 1
Z330.3.W34 R39 2022 Publishing in Wales : renaissance and resistance / 2
Z330.6 .A38 1693 Advertisement April 3. 1693. Whereas there was lately notice given in the Gazette, of a new translation of Josephus, preparing for the press by Sir Roger L'Estrange and to be printed for Richard Sare .. 1
Z330.6 .B35 1684 The geometrical key: or, The gate of aequations unlockt. A new discovery of the constructions of all aequations howsoever affected, not exceeding the 4th degree; viz. of linears, quadratics, cubics, and biquadratics, and the finding of all their roots as well true as negative, without the use of mesolabe, and trisection of angles; without reduction ... / 1
Z330.6 .C38 1690 A catalogue of books (for the most part very scarce) bound, in folio, quarto, octavo, to be sold to booksellers only, at Rolls Coffee-house .. 1
Z330.6 .D68 Bookes as they are sold bound, at London, at Dublin with all other priuiledged bookes according to these differences in their prizes. 1
Z330.6 .E35 1695 Representation for Captain John Slezer, anent the history and present state of Scotland to be published by him 1
Z330.6 .G6 [Eight pages from unidentified theological work] 1
Z330.6.H84 C47 1982 Early Hull printers and booksellers : an account of the printing, bookselling, and allied trades from their beginnings to 1840 / 1
Z330.6.L6 The bookshops of London / 1
Z330.6.L6 A27 2014 The house of twenty thousand books / 1
Z330.6.L6 C43 2020 London and the modernist bookshop / 1