Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Z330.6 .L66 1696 | Advertisement. This day is published, the exact Tryal and condemnation of Sir William Parkyns, Knight; for the horrid and excrable conspiracy to assassinate His Sacred Majesty, King William .. | 1 |
Z330.6 .L66 1697 |
Advertisement. Marci Antonini Imperatoris Opera, Gr. Lat. with Mr. Gataker's notes, being now reprinted, and carefully corrected by Mr. B. Mott ... to which will now be added ... The life of Antonin, compil'd by Mons. Dacier ... The whole work to single subscribers 10 s. to those that please to subscribe in classes, 9 s. which will be received till June 20th, 1697. by Mr. Kettilby in St. Paul's Churchyard, Mr. H. Clement in Oxford, Mr. Thurlburne jun. in Cambridge .. February, 8. 1696/7. Tomorrow will be publish'd The tryal and condemnation of Captain Thomas Vaughan, for high treason, in adhering to the French-king, and for endeavouring the destruction of His Majesty's ships in the Nore ... |
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Z330.6 .L66 1698 | Books lately printed for Richard Wellington, at the Lute in St. Paul's-Church-Yard. | 1 |
Z330.6 .L66 1700 |
London, Feb. 22. 1699/1700. Whereas advertisements are this day printed in the Post-Poy [sic], Post-Man, and Flying Post, that a book intiutled, The history of the reign of Lewis the Thirteenth, King of France and Navarre, &c. by Mr. Michel le Vassor, is this day published by John Nutt; Richard Wellington (the known publisher) being asham'd to put his name to it ... the same is a false and spurious edition of the said book ... and that a translation ... will be publish'd in a fortnight ... for Thomas Cockerill, bookseller in the Poultrey. Advertisement. On Munday next, 15th. of April, 1700. at eight in the morning, will be publish'd by John Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, the proceedings upon the bill of divorce between his Grace the Duke of Norfolk, and the Lady Mary Mordant ... Printed by his Grace's order. |
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Z330.6 .L66 1701 |
There is this day publish'd, The case is alter'd; or, Dunton's re-marriage to the same wife ... Advertisement to booksellers. February 5th. 1701. Tomorrow morning will be published The present state of Europe; or, The historical and political monthly Mercury, &c. for January 1701. Printed for H. Rhodes in Fleetstreet, Eliz. Harris, at the Harrow in Little-Britain; and sold by J. Nutt, near Stationers-Hall. Advertisement. On Monday the 17th of this instant February, 1701. will be publish'd, a book intitul'd The unhappiness of England, as to its trade by sea and land truly stated ... to which is added, An essay of the happiness of man in observing the rules of morality By Charles Povey .. The works of Plato abridg'd. With an account of his life ... By M. Dacier. Tran]slated from the French. In two volumes. Sold by [A. Bell at] the Cross-Keys and Bible in Cornhill ... Price nine shillings. Advertisement. There is now publish'd England's enemies exposed, and its true friends and patriots defended ... : being a ... confutation of all themalicious calumnies ... and false accusation contain'd in a wretched libel call'd the Legion. By a true Englishman. |
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Z330.6 .L66 1702 | Advertisement to booksellers: | 1 |
Z330.6 .L66 1703 |
Friday, June 11. 1703. Whereas there was an advertisement publish'd yesterday endeavouring to stop the sale of the abridgment of the Lord Clarendon's History, by giving it the title of an imperfect book, and threatning the abridger, printer and venders with a strict prosecution .. Advertisement. There is now printed at Oxford, a large Bible in quarto, upon very good paper and a fair character: with several thousand references more than Dr. Scattergood's: with the years ... according to Primate Usher's Annals; and a chronological table and index ... Which book is ready to be delivered at the Oxford warehouse at Stationers-Hall, and are sold by the several booksellers in London and Westminster. July the 15th, 1703. |
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Z330.6 .L66 1704 | Advertisement. August 15. 1704. Whereas on Thursday night last a sham Postscript came out, under the title of a Postscript to the Fleeing-Post, and yesterday another, under the name of the Filing Post, said to be printed for J. Breggs, near Ave-Mary Lane; tho' there be no such person ... the true Postscript to the Flying-Post, is printed only by Ann Snowden, in Great Carter-Lane, near Doctors Commons. | 1 |
Z330.6 .L66 1705 |
Advertisement, October 22, 1705. This day is publish'd, Remarks on the grand tour of France and Italy: perform'd by a person of quality in the year 1691. The second edition. To which is added, a table of the principal matters. Printed for John Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, 1705. Price 3s. 6d. London, Jan. 18th. 1704/5. Whereas in the Postman of (December 26.) it is suggested the Posthumous works of Mr. de St. Evremont, lately English'd. are ... spurious and defective ... this is to inform the learned, that it is a false and malicious insinuation ... It is printed for Jeffery Wale, at the Angel in St. Paul's Church-yard. |
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Z330.6 .L66 1706 | July the 18th, 1706. Advertisement to gentlemen and booksellers. Whereas this day publish'd a book entituled, The Carthusian gard'ner, &c in five parts, translated from the French ... printed for Benjamin Tooke in Fleetstreet ... These are therefor to inform the world that there is already made a translation of the said book in two volumes ... very much enlarg'd and improv'd according to our English way of gard'ning, by Mr. London and Mr. Wise ... printed only for Jacob Tonson .. | 1 |
Z330.6 .L66 1708 |
Advertisement. On Monday next will be published, after the method of Mr. Echard's Roman and Mr. Stanyan's Grecian history, the Jewish history, as well ecclesiastical as civil .. Decemb. 6. 1708. Advertisement to book-sellers, and others. Whereas there hath been a book lately printed and publish'd, intituled, The neat duties (all discounts and abatements deducted) of all merchandize specify'd in the Book of Rates, begun in the 12th Car. II. with the several variations to this present year 1708. The said book hath, upon examination, been found very erroneous and false ... besides several omissions. This is to give notice, that there is preparing for the press, and will speedily be publish'd at Her Majesties printing-office in Black-Fryers, a book of all the neat duties upon merchandize both inwards and outwards ... and will be sold at a very reasonable price at the place aforesaid, and at most book-sellers .. Monday, July 19, 1708. To morrow [sic] will be publish'd, by John Morphew near Stationers-Hall, Atlas geographus for June; or, a compleat system of geography, ancient and modern .. |
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Z330.6 .L66 1709 |
Advertisement to gentlemen. Whereas Hudibras, in three parts, written by Mr. Samuel Butler, has hitherto been printed on a scandalous paper ... it is now printed on a very fine paper ... illustrated with 19 cutts ... taken from the original, and finely engraven, as all persons allow who have seen it, notwithstanding the false insinuations of Mr. Jacob Tonson, in the Gazette of Tuesday Novemb. 22. 1709, which are design'd only to hinder the sale of the said book ... This edition is sold ... by John Baker, at the Black Boy in Pater-noster-Row. Advertisement, Nov. 1, 1709. Whereas Henry Hills, printer, notorious for pyrating booksellers copies, to their exceeding loss, hath lately practic'd the same upon An interest book, composed by and printed for John Castaing, broker: which book contains a multitude of errors .. |
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Z330.6 .L66 1710 |
This day is publish'd A true state of the case of the Reverend Mr. Greenshields, now prisoner in the Tolbooth in Edinburgh, for reading Common-Prayer, in an Episcopal congregation there ... with copies of several original papers relating to his accusation ... Printed for Jonah Bowyer, at the Rose in Ludgate-street. Price 1 s. Advertisement. There is this day publish'd, a neat pocket edition in 12°. on good paper and fair letter, Memoirs of the most material transactions in England, for the last hundred years preceding the revolution in 1688. By James Welwood .. Advertisement. To morrow will be publish'd, The speech of Henry Sacheverell, D.D. upon his impeachment at the bar of the House of Lords, in Westminster-Hall, on Tuesday, March 7. 1709/10, with the doctor's dedication to their lordships; to which will be prefix'd his effigies, curiously engrav'd on copper. Price 3 d. N.B. No cutts will be sold without the speech. |
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Z330.6 .L66 1711 | Advertisement. July .3 1711. This day is publish'd a correct edition of A representation of the present state of religion with regard to the late excessive growth of infidelity, heresy, and profaneness: as it pass'd the lower house of convocation, of the province of Canterbury. : Corrected from the errors of a former edition. : To which is added, the representation as drawn up by the upper house. / | 1 |
Z330.6.L66 C76 1693 | Bibliotheca Cropperiana sive catalogus bibliothecae incomparabilis Doct. V.D. Johan. Cropperi, Londinens. defuncti, libris philologicis insignibus praesertim, classicis & historicis, nec non in aliis artibus quotquot sunt claris, refertissimae. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini apud domum appellatam, Will's-Coffee-House, olim Roll's-Coffee-House in coemeterio D. Pauli. Die Lunae 19 Junii, 1693 / | 1 |
Z330.6 .M55 1689 | A catalogue of books in quires which will be sold in small numbers, in lots, &c. by auction, to the book-sellers of London and Westminster; at the auction-house, over against the Black-Swan, in Ave-Mary-Lane, near Ludgate-Street, on Wednesday the 17th of July, 1689. The sale will began at three of the clock in the afternoon exactly. / | 1 |
Z330.6.S66 F76 2021eb | Reading, wanting, and broken economics : a twenty-first-century study of readers and bookshops in Southampton around 1900 / | 1 |
Z331 .D68 |
To all people to whome this present vvriting shall come, I, Thomas Dovvnes of the citie of Dublin, stationer, send greeting ... To all Christian people to whom this present writing shall come, wee Felix Kyngston and Thomas Downes, citizens and stationers of London send greeting ... |
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Z331.2 .T46 2000 | Ten years of Irish publishing : books received for review by Books Ireland magazine, 1990-1999 : bibliographical listings by title, cross-referenced by author or editor and the subject of biography or criticism, all referred to the page of review or listing / | 1 |
Z331.3 |
Print and Party Politics in Ireland, 1689-1714 / The Oxford History of the Irish Book, 3 : the Irish Book in English, 1550-1800. |
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