Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z355.3.F53 ebook El sello de Amberes : libros flamencos en Santafé, siglos XVI y XVII / 1
Z358.A1 B66 1999 The bookshop of the world : the role of the Low Countries in the book-trade, 1473-1941 / 1
Z358.A32 B35 2013 Publishing policies and family strategies : the fortunes of a Dutch publishing house in the 18th and early 19th centuries / 1
Z358.A54 C72 The copy of a letter sent (by me Thomas Craford) to the lord ambassadour of Amsterdam, now resident in England. In this letter I repeat unto him, 1. How unjustly, wickedly & tyrannically the magistrates of Amsterdam did deal by me ... Secondly I require restitution and satisfaction for my goods they took from me by violence ... and lastly, I declare ... how ungrateful the Hollanders have been unto us, devouring us like a moth in former times; but now since our warres and troubles, they have plaid their parts like lions. 1
Z358.B48 A4 1993 Pieter Blaeu : lettere ai Fiorentini : Antonio Magliabechi, Leopoldo e Cosimo III de' Medici, e altri : 1660-1705 / 1
Z358.B64 A43 1987 Johannes Boekholt (1656-1693) : the first Dutch publisher of John Bunyan and other English authors / 1
Z358.C46 C67 2009eb Centraal Boekhuis : logistiek van boeken in veranderend perspectief / 1
Z358.D44 F67 1992 For Bob de Graaf : antiquarian bookseller, publisher, bibliographer : Festschrift on the occasion of his 65th birthday / 1
Z358 .D81 Le livre français et son commerce en Hollande de 1750 à 1780. : (D'après des documents inédits) 1
Z358 .G76 2019 Imagining the Americas in print : books, maps and encounters in the Atlantic world / 2
Z358 .H35 1987 Pamphlets, printing, and political culture in the early Dutch Republic / 1
Z358 .M34 1992 Le Magasin de l'univers : the Dutch Republic as the centre of the European book trade : papers presented at the international colloquium, held at Wassenaar, 5-7 July 1990 / 2
Z358 .S45 1987 Een menighte treffelijcke boecken : Nederlandse boekhandelscatalogi in het begin van de zeventiende eeuw / 1
Z359 .E34 2010 International publishing in the Netherlands, 1933-1945 : German exile, scholarly expansion, war-time clandestinity / 1
Z359 .E34 2010eb International publishing in the Netherlands, 1933-1945 : German exile, scholarly expansion, war-time clandestinity / 1
Z360 .G777 1989 Thesaurus 1473-1800 : Nederlandse boekdrukkers en boekverkopers : met plaatsen en jaren van werkzaamheid : Dutch printers and booksellers : with places and years of activity / 1
Z363.6.A4 B35 2016 Hölle und Paradies : Amsterdam, Querido und die deutsche Exilliteratur / 1
Z363.6 .H3 The printers priuiledge. The states generall of the Vnited Netherland Prouinces, haue granted and giuen license vnto Hillebrant Iacobson sworne printer to the said states in generall, and to the states of Holland in particular .. 1
Z363.6.L45 C78 2009 The paradox of prosperity : the Leiden booksellers' guild and the distribution of books in early modern Europe / 1
Z365.3 .D87 2016 Duplicator underground : the independent publishing industry in Communist Poland, 1976-89 / 1