Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z4.Z9 S55 Slovo o knige / 1
Z4.Z9 S63 2022 Portable magic : a history of books and their readers / 1
Z4.Z9 S85 1988 Book factory / 2
Z4.Z9 V72 1981 Manuscrits, livres, imprimeries et maisons d'édition : l'hellénisme postbyzantin et l'Europe / 1
Z4 eBook Libros y documentos en la alta edad media : los libros de derecho, los archivos familiares : actas del VI Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Cultura Escrita. 1
Z4 ebook Syntagma. revista del Instituto de Historia del Libro y de la Lectura.
Doce siglos de materialidad del libro : estudios sobre manuscritos e impresos entre los siglos VIII y XIX /
El libro académico en época colonial y moderna /
Congreso Internacional del Mundo del Libro : 7-10 septiembre 2009, Ciudad de México : memoria /
Z4.3 The rhetoric of the page / 1
Z4.3 .T43 2023 Teaching the history of the book / 1
Z4.35.U6 Z36 2000 A handbook for the study of book history in the United States / 2
Z 4.4:1/2 Journal of the second session of the Senate of the United States of America : begun and held at the city of New-York, January 4th, 1790; and in the fourteenth year of the independence of the said states. 1
Z5 Libros y libreros en la Antigüedad. 1
Z.5/2:1911- Wisconsin statutes 1
Z5 .D54 Roman books and their impact / 1
Z5 .D67 2001 Römisches Buchwesen um die Zeitenwende : War T. Pomponius Atticus (110-32 v. Chr.) Verleger? / 1
Z5 .H913 Origins of the book : Egypt's contribution to the development of the book from papyrus to codex / 1
Z5 .H913 1972 Origins of the book : Egypt's contribution to the development of the book from papyrus to codex / 1
Z5 .J63 2004 Bookrolls and scribes in Oxyrhynchus / 1
Z5 .L5 1989 Libri, editori e pubblico nel mondo antico : guida storica e critica / 1
Z5 .S66 Bücherfunde in der Glaubenswerbung der Antike. : Mit einem Ausblick auf Mittelalter und Neuzeit. 1
Z5 .T95 Athenian books in the fifth and fourth centuries B. C. / 1