Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z5053 .M32 Dissertations in English and American literature : theses accepted by American, British, and German universities, 1865-1964 / 1
Z5053 .M332  
Z5053 .M36 Masters abstracts.
Masters abstracts international.
Z5053 .M37 Master's theses in the arts and social sciences. 1
Z5053 .R49 A guide to theses and dissertations : an annotated international bibliography of bibliographies / 1
Z5053 .Y8 A guide to doctoral dissertations by Chinese students in continental Europe, 1907-1962. 1
Z5055.A69 M46 Cátálogo de publicaciones [de la] Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 1939-1960 / 1
Z5055.A7 H67 Research report. 1
Z5055.A7 S85 Research and scholarship in the University of Sydney : a short record of original work done. 1
Z5055.A79 U5 Union list of higher degree theses in Australian University libraries. 1
Z5055.A8 V5 Verzeichnis der von der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien herausgegebenen oder subventionierten schriften. 1
Z5055.A9 G73 Dissertationen-Verzeichnis der Universität Graz, 1872-1963 / 1
Z5055.C2 The research compendium : review and abstracts of graduate research 1942-1962 / 1
Z5055.C2 N27 1973 Canadian theses 1947-1960. : Thèses canadiennes [1947-1960 / 1
Z5055.C2 R63 1986 Theses in Canada : a bibliographic guide / 1
Z5055.C2 W6 Canadian graduate theses 1919-1967 : an annotated bibliography (covering economics, business and industrial relations) / 1
Z5055.C24 T65 1968 University of Toronto doctoral theses, 1897-1967 : a bibliography / 1
Z5055.D3 C8 Danish theses for the doctorate, and commemorative publications of the University of Copenhagen, 1836-1926 : a bio-bibliography / 1
Z5055.F7 A25 Essai d'une bibliographie raisonnée de l'Académie française / 1
Z5055.F7 P165 Les travaux de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres : histoire et inventaire des publications / 1