Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z5935 .I53 1993 Index to the Museum of Modern Art artist files. 1
Z5935 .L2 LOMA : literature on modern art. 1
Z5935 .L4 Bibliographie zur Kunstgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts / 1
Z5935.3 .M87 Annual bibliography of modern art / 1
Z5935.5.B44 Contemporary art trends 1960-1980 : a guide to sources / 1
Z5935.5 .B44 1981 Contemporary art trends 1960-1980 : a guide to sources / 1
Z5935.5 .B44 N6490 Contemporary art trends 1960-1980 : a guide to sources / 1
Z5935.5 .C4 1993 Clockworks : a multimedia bibliography of works useful for the study of the human/machine interface in SF / 1
Z5935.5 .D65 1991 Dokumentations-Bibliothek zur Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts = Bibliography of 20th century art publications / 1
Z5935.5 .E74 1993 NX650.S3  
Z5935.5.H47 1987 Künstler der jungen Generation : Literaturverzeichnis zur Gegenwartskunst in der Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek, Berliner Zentralbibliothek / 1
Z5935.5 .H47 1987 N6490 Künstler der jungen Generation : Literaturverzeichnis zur Gegenwartskunst in der Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek, Berliner Zentralbibliothek / 1
Z5935.5 .I58 1992 Children's books about art : an annotated bibliography with classroom activities / 1
Z5935.5 .L45 1985 The Howard L. and Muriel Weingrow collection of avant-garde art and literature at Hofstra University : an annotated bibliography / 1
Z5935.5 .S936 1994 An important private library of 20th century artists & art movements : cubism, Dada & surrealism, art deco, German expressionism, Cobra group, abstract expressionism, Fluxus, pop art. 1
Z5936.A76 D68 1986 N6494.A7 A bibliography on art deco / 1
Z5936.A76 V36 1985 N6494.A7 Art deco : monographs / 1
Z5936.A78 R53 1987 N72.A75 Artist/architect collaborations : a bibliography / 1
Z5936.C6 M67 2006 Konstruktivizm : annotirovannyĭ bibliograficheskiĭ ukazatelʹ / 1
Z5936.D33 S32 1995 Dada in Köln : ein Repertorium / 1