Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z6461 .K34 2008 JZ1305 International relations, international security, and comparative politics : a guide to reference and information sources / 1
Z6461 .K73 Foreign affairs bibliography : a selected and annotated list of books on international relations, 1962-1972 / 1
Z6461 .L3 JX1391 The study of international politics : a guide to the sources for the student, teacher, and researcher / 1
Z6461 .M4 Sowjetunion und Völkerrecht : 1917 bis 1962. Eine bibliographische Dokumentation / 1
Z6461 .M47 A current bibliography of international law / 1
Z6461 .P53 The study of international relations : a guide to information sources / 1
Z6461 .P53 JX1391 The study of international relations : a guide to information sources / 1
Z6461 .P83i Public international law 1
Z6461 .S37 Répertoire des questions de droit international général posées devant la Société des nations, 1920-1940 / 1
Z6461 .S56 The study of international politics : a guide to the sources for the student, teacher, and researcher / 1
Z6461 .S92 1938i Bibliographie du droit des gens et des relations internationales 1
Z6461 .U49 1970 A guide to bibliographic tools for research in foreign affairs / 1
Z6461.W7 Essay collections in international relations : a classified bibliography / 1
Z6461 .W7 JX1315 Essay collections in international relations : a classified bibliography / 1
Z6461 .W75 2015 Essay Collections in International Relations : a Classified Bibliography. 1
Z6461 .W75 20116eb Essay collections in international relations : a classified bibliography / 1
Z6461 .Z3 Guide to the study of international relations / 1
Z6463 .C87 Current thought on peace and war. 1
Z6463 .F73 Foreign affairs bibliography. 1
Z6463 .I54 International information notes. 1