Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z6621.J5724 Catalog of Judeo-Persian Manuscripts in the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. 1
Z6621.J63 L37 1980 A descriptive catalogue of the latin manuscripts in the John Rylands University Library. 1
Z6621.J693 T875 2011eb A catalogue of the Turkish manuscripts in the John Rylands University Library at Manchester / 1
Z6621 .K182 Die Handschriften der Badischen Landesbibliothek in Karlsruhe. 1
Z6621.K334P37 The medieval manuscripts of Keble College, Oxford : a descriptive catalogue with summary descriptions of the Greek and Oriental manuscripts / 1
Z6621.K334 P37 Z921 The medieval manuscripts of Keble College, Oxford : a descriptive catalogue with summary descriptions of the Greek and Oriental manuscripts / 1
Z6621.K3552 M435 1996 A checklist of mediaeval manuscripts in the Department of Special Collections Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas / 1
Z6621.K37 H37 1999 Handschriften des Kestner-Museums zu Hannover / 1
Z6621.K5973 L373 1994 Fuldische Handschriften aus Hessen : mit weiteren Leihgaben aus Basel, Oslo, dem Vatikan und Wolfenbuttel : Katalog zur Ausstellung anlasslich des Jubilaums "1250 Jahre Fulda", Hessische Landesbibliothek Fulda, 19. April bis 31. Mai 1994 / 1
Z6621 .K6 Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum : qui in bibliotheca canonicorum regularium s. Augustini Claustroneoburgi asservantur / 1
Z6621.K78553 G74 1994 Codices graeci haunienses : ein deskriptiver Katalog des griechischen Handschriftenbestandes der Königlichen Bibliothek Kopenhagen / 1
Z6621.K786 K65 1980 Schatten van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek : acht eeuwen verluchte handschriften : tentoonstelling in het Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum/Museum van het Boek, 17 december 1980--15 maart 1981. 1
Z6621 .K93 Inwentarz rękopisów Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej / 1
Z6621 .K9313 Z938.K76 Inwentarz rękopisow Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej, Nr. 9001-10000 / 1
Z6621.K933 L374 Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Medii Aevi Latinorum qui in Bibliotheca Jagellonica Cracoviae asservantur / 1
Z6621 .K94 Inwentarz rękopisów Biblioteki Jagiellónskiej, nr. 7001-8000 / 1
Z6621 .K94 Index Inwentarz rękopisów Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej, nr. 7001-8000 : indeks / 1
Z6621 .K942 Inwentarz r̨ekopisów Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej, Nr. 8001-9000. 1
Z6621 .K943 Inwentarz rękopisow Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej, Nr. 9001-10000 / 1
Z6621.K943 J385 1987 Javanese manuscripts of the Kraton Yogyakarta a list of contents of roll microfilm copies. 1