Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z663.6 .I56888 2010i The Indian Trust Fund litigation an overview of Cobell v. Salazar /
Indian Health Care Improvement Act provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148)
Z663.6 .I56888 2012i Indian gaming legal background and the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) 1
Z663.6 .I56888 2013i The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) a legal overview. 1
Z663.6 .I56888 2014i The Indian Health Care Improvement Act reauthorization and extension as enacted by the ACA detailed summary and timeline.
Indian health care impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Z663.6 .I56888 2015i Indian elementary-secondary education programs, background, and issues [August 18, 2015] /
The Indian Health Service (IHS) an overview /
Indian water rights settlements
Indian Health Service (IHS) FY2010-FY2016 funding fact sheet.
Indian Health Service FY2016 budget request and funding history fact sheet /
Z663.6 .I56888 2016i Indian Health Service (IHS) funding fact sheet.
Indian water rights settlements
The Indian Health Service (IHS) an overview.
Z663.6 .I56888 2017i Indian Health Service (IHS) funding fact sheet.
Indian water rights settlements
Indian water rights settlements [November 27, 2017]
Indian elementary-secondary education programs, background, and issues.
Z663.6 .I56888 2018i Indian water rights settlements [July 17, 2018]
Indian Health Service (IHS) FY2019 budget request and funding history a fact sheet.
Z663.6 .I56888 2019i Indian water rights settlements [December 26, 2019]
Is the Indian Child Welfare Act constitutional? [January 22, 2019]
Indian water rights settlements [March 29, 2019]
Indian water rights settlements [April 16, 2019]
Z663.6 .I56888 2020i Indian elementary-secondary education programs, background, and issues [July 28, 2020] /
Indian Health Service (IHS) FY2021 budget request and funding history in brief /
Indian water rights settlements [May 22, 2020]
Z663.6 .I56888 2022i Indian Health Service (IHS) FY2022 budget request and funding history in brief / 1
Z663.6 .I574 1998i Impeachment grounds
Impeachment an overview of constitutional provisions, procedure, and practice /
Impeachment grounds a collection of selected materials /
Z663.6 .I574 2009i Impeachment an overview of constitutional provisions, procedure, and practice / 1
Z663.6 .I574 2010i Impeachment an overview of constitutional provisions, procedure, and practice [April 26, 2010] /
Impeachment an overview of constitutional provisions, procedure, and practice [April 8, 2010] /
Impeachment an overview of constitutional provisions, procedure, and practice [December 9, 2010] /
Impeachment an overview of constitutional provisions, procedure, and practice [November 22, 2010] /
Z663.6 .I574 2015i Impeachment and removal 1
Z663.6 .I574 2016i The impeachment of South Korea's president 1
Z663.6 .I574 2019i Impeachment and the Constitution 1
Z663.6 .I57773 2022i The insurrection bar to office Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment / 1
Z663.6 .I584 1998i The intersection between the Former Presidents Act and the impeachment process 1
Z663.6 .I584 1999i Intercountry Adoption Convention Implementation Act of 1999 summary and analysis of S. 682 / 1