Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z6654.T59 G62 1969 Bibliography for dynamical topology. 1
Z6654.T7 N4 Bibliographie des triangles spéciaux / 1
Z6654.U54B47 1982 Bibliography of schlicht functions / 1
Z6654.U54 B47 1982 QA331 Bibliography of schlicht functions / 1
Z6654.2.A38 2000 A Station Favorable to the Pursuits of Science. 1
Z6654.2 .A38 2000 A station favorable to the pursuits of science : primary materials in the history of mathematics at the United States Military Academy / 1
Z6654.2 .A38 2000 QA37.2 A station favorable to the pursuits of science : primary materials in the history of mathematics at the United States Military Academy / 2
Z6655.A53 French mathematical seminars : a union list / 1
Z6655.A53 1989 French mathematical seminars : a union list / 1
Z6655 .A53 1989 QA1 French mathematical seminars : a union list / 1
Z6655 .A53 QA1 French mathematical seminars : a union list / 1
Z6655 .N42 1925 Catalog of the library / 1
Z6655 .T3 B.G. Teubner's Verlag auf dem Gebiete der Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik nebst Grenzwissenshaften / 1
Z6655.Z9 K3 Mathematik, Geodäsie, Astronomie. 1
Z6658.A1 I48 Bibliographie der Bibliographien der Medizin und der in der Medizin angewandten Naturwissenschaften. 1
Z6658 .A48 Methodology in evaluating the quality of medical care : an annotated selected bibliography, 1955-1968 / 1
Z6658 .A64 Methodology in evaluating the quality of medical care : an annotated selected bibliography, 1955-1961 / 1
Z6658 .A98 1983 Health, illness, and disability : a guide to books for children and young adults / 1
Z6658 .A98 1983 R130.5 Health, illness, and disability : a guide to books for children and young adults / 2
Z6658 .B3 I codici di medicina del periodo presalernitano (secoli IX, X e XI) 1