Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z667 .E97 2012 Advances in information retrieval 34th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2012, Barcelona, Spain, April 1-5, 2012. Proceedings / 1
Z667 .E97 2013 Advances in information retrieval 35th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2013, Moscow, Russia, March 24-27, 2013. Proceedings / 1
Z667 .E97 2014 Advances in information retrieval : 36th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2014, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 13-16, 2014. Proceedings / 1
Z667 .E97 2015eb Advances in information retrieval : 37th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2015, Vienna, Austria, March 29-April 2, 2015. Proceedings / 1
Z667 .E97 2016eb Advances in Information Retrieval : 38th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2016, Padua, Italy, March 20-23, 2016. Proceedings / 1
Z667 .E97 2017eb Advances in information retrieval : 39th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2017, Aberdeen, UK, April 8-13, 2017, Proceedings / 1
Z667 .I54 2012 Multidisciplinary information retrieval 5th International Retrieval Facility Conference, IRFC 2012, Vienna, Austria, July 2-3, 2012, Proceedings / 1
Z667 .I54 2013 Multidisciplinary information retrieval : 6th Information Retrieval Facility Conference, IRFC 2013, Limassol, Cyprus, October 7-9, 2013. Proceedings / 1
Z667 .I58 2011 Advances in information retrieval theory third international conference, ICTIR 2011, Bertinoro, Italy, September 12-14, 2011 : proceedings / 1
Z667 .I58 2013 Similarity search and applications : 6th International Conference, SISAP 2013, A Coruña, Spain, October 2-4, 2013, Proceedings / 1
Z667 .I59 2023 Similarity search and applications : 16th International Conference, SISAP 2023, A Coruña, Spain, October 9-11, 2023, Proceedings / 1
Z667 .I74 2010 Advances in multidisciplinary retrieval First Information Retrieval Facility Conference, IRFC 2010, Vienna, Austria, May 31, 2010 ; proceedings / 1
Z667 .L53 2005eb Library and information science and the philosophy of science / 1
Z667 .L565 2019 Linked Open Data of Bibliometric Networks : Analytics Research for Personalized Library Services. 1
Z667 .L585 2019eb Interactive IR user study design, evaluation, and reporting / 1
Z667 .P76 2012 Information retrieval meets information visualization PROMISE Winter School 2012, Zinal, Switzerland, January 23-27, 2012, Revised tutorial lectures / 1
Z667 .R43 2010 Resource discovery third International Workshop, RED 2010, Paris, France, November 5, 2010, Revised selected papers /
Resource discovery : 5th International Workshop, RED 2012, co-located with the 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2012, Heraklion, Greece, May 27, 2012, Revised selected papers /
Z667 .R47 2014 Research data management : practical strategies for information professionals / 1
Z667 .R47 2014e Research data management : practical strategies for information professionals / 1
Z667 .S57 2012 Powering search : the role of thesauri in new information environments / 1