Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z667.5 .N543 2010 Cross-language information retrieval 1
Z667.5 .P48 2012 Multilingual information retrieval from research to practice / 1
Z667.63 Deep learning for recommender systems, or How to compare pears with apples / 1
Z668 Re-envisioning the MLS : perspectives on the future of library and information science education /
Export Import Procedures - Documentation and Logistics.
Quality assurance in LIS education : an international and comparative study /
Staff training : a librarian's handbook /
Training issues and strategies in libraries /
Skills to make a librarian transferable skills inside and outside the library /
Continuing professional development : a guide for information professionals /
Skills to make a librarian : transferable skills inside and outside the library /
Exploring Education for Digital Librarians Meaning, Modes and Models.
Continuing professional education for the information society : the Fifth World Conference on Continuing Professional Education for the Library and Information Science Professions /
Training of sci-tech librarians & library users /
E-Learning for Management and Marketing in Libraries.
Z668-669.7 Roles and Responsibilities of Libraries in Increasing Consumer Health Literacy and Reducing Health Disparities 1
Z668 .A23 Strengthening research library resources program. 1
Z668 .A26 The Administrative aspects of education for librarianship : a symposium / 1
Z668 .A33 Continuing education needs of special librarians / 1
Z668 .A34 2019eb All that's not fit to print : fake news and the call to action for librarians and information professionals / 1
Z668 .A56 Education of state library personnel : a report with recommendations relating to the continuing education of state library agency professional personnel / 1
Z668 .A575 Financial assistance for library and information studies. 1
Z668 .A58 Newsletter - Library Education Division, American Library Association. 1
Z668 .A8 Directory of the Association of American Library Schools. 1
Z668 .B27 Library school and job success. 1
Z668 .B56 1988 Staff training : a librarian's handbook / 1
Z668 .B6 Bibliothekarische Ausbildung in Theorie und Praxis : Beiträge zum 25jährigen Bestehen des Bibliothekar-Lehrinstituts des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen am 4. Februar 1974 / 1
Z668 .B62 The ALA accreditation process, 1973-1976 : a survey of library schools whose programs were evaluated under the 1972 standards / 1
Z668 .B655 Toward the improvement of library education / 1
Z668 .B68 Library education and training in developing countries / 1
Z668 .B722 Targets for research in library education / 1