Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z668 .B8 A history of library education. 1
Z668 .C294 The professionalization of education for librarianship : with special reference to the years 1940-1960 / 1
Z668 .C55 1976 Proceedings : first CLENE Assembly, Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois, January 23-24, 1976 / 1
Z668 .C57 The intellectual foundations of library education : the twenty-ninth annual conference of the Graduate Library School July 6-8, 1964 / 1
Z668 .C66 2012 Instructional strategies and techniques for information professionals /
Instructional strategies and techniques for information professionals
Z668 .C683 The Conant report : a study of the education of librarians / 2
Z668 .C73 1967a Library school teaching methods: evaluation of students : [papers] / 1
Z668 .C737 Library staff development and continuing education : principles and practices / 1
Z668 .C738 2013eb Continuing education for librarians : essays on career improvement through classes, workshops, conferences and more / 1
Z668 .C739 1985 Continuing education for the library information professions / 1
Z668 .C74 1974 Continuing library and information science education : final report to the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science / 2
Z668 .C87 2010  
Z668 .C87 2010eb The demise of the library school : personal reflections on professional education in the modern corporate university / 1
Z668 .D27 Between M.L.S. & Ph. D ; a study of sixth-year specialist programs in accredited library schools / 1
Z668 .D35 The Association of American Library Schools, 1915-1968 : an analytical history / 1
Z668 .D4 1987 Directory of library school offerings in music librarianship / 1
Z668 .D43 1982 Finding a position : strategies for library school graduates / 1
Z668 .D46 2009 The politics of professionalism : a retro-progressive proposal for librarianship / 2
Z668 .D48 Directory of continuing education opportunities for library/information/media personnel. 1
Z668 .D5 Directory of educational programs in information science. 1