Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z674 .R4 no. 3 Z696.U4 Analysis of vocabulary control in Library of Congress classification and subject headings. 1
Z674 .R4 no. 4 Research methods in library science : a bibliographic guide with topical outlines / 1
Z674 .R4 no. 7 Toward a philosophy of educational librarianship /
Toward a philosophy of educational librarianship
Z674 .R4 no. 8 Freedom versus suppression and censorship : with a study of the attitudes of Midwestern public librarians and a bibliography of censorship /
Freedom versus suppression and censorship; with a study of the attitudes of Midwestern public librarians and a bibliography of censorship
Z674 .R4 no. 9 The role of the State library in adult education : a critical analysis of nine southeastern State library agencies / 1
Z674 .R4 no. 10 The concept of main entry as represented in the Anglo-American cataloging rules : a critical appraisal with some suggestions: author main entry vs. title main entry / 1
Z674 .R4 no. 12 Library science dissertations, 1925-1972 : an annotated bibliography / 1
Z674 .R4 no. 12 Z665 Library science dissertations, 1925-1972; an annotated bibliography 1
Z674 .R4 no. 14 Weeding library collections / 1
Z674 .R4 no. 15 Library of Congress subject headings : principles and application / 1
Z674 .R4 no. 17 AACR 2 headings : a five-year projection of their impact on catalogs / 1
Z674 .R4 no. 17 Z694 AACR 2 headings : a five-year projection of their impact on catalogs / 1
Z674 .R4 no. 19 Library of Congress subject headings : principles and application / 1
Z674 .R4 no. 20 Critical guide to Catholic reference books / 1
Z674 .R4 no. 20 BX1751.2  
Z674 .S15 no. 89 Technical services costs in ARL libraries. 1
Z674 .S35 The provision and use of library and documentation services : some contributions from the University of Sheffield Postgraduate School of Librarianship / 1
Z674 .S35 1966eb The provision and use of library and documentation services some contributions from the University of Sheffield Postgraduate School of Librarianship / 1
Z674 .S6 University library problems / 1
Z674 .S7 The State of the library art / 1