Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z690 .U737 A serviceable reservoir : report of a survey of the United States Book Exchange / 1
Z690 ebook La Edición Del Cuento en Colombia en el Siglo XX Apuestas Editoriales y Legitimación de un Género. 2
Z691 .B44 K equals X, and then some : a problem in identification. 1
Z691 .C74 A pamphlet about pamphlets / 1
Z691 .G67 How to organize and maintain the library picture/pamphlet file / 1
Z691 .I66 The pamphlet file in school, college, and public libraries / 1
Z691 .I66 1954 The pamphlet file in school, college, and public libraries. 1
Z691 .S58 1992 The vertical file and its alternatives : a handbook / 2
Z692.A93 Managing film and video collections 1
Z692.A93 B74 2007 Understanding manga and anime / 1
Z692.A93 D6 1992 Documents that move and speak : audiovisual archives in the new information age : National Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, April 30, 1990-May 3, 1990 : proceedings of a symposium / 1
Z692.A93 ebook Documentación audiovisual en televisión / 1
Z692.A93 M38 2023 Managing institutional recordings / 1
Z692.A93 S36 2000eb Managing media services : theory and practice / 1
Z692.B63 M39 2010 Libraries got game : aligned learning through modern board games / 1
Z692.B63 M39 2010eb Libraries got game : aligned learning through modern board games / 1
Z692.C36 The role of trade literature in sci-tech libraries / 1
Z692.C65 Digital disruption and electronic resource management in libraries / 1
Z692.C65 A36 1989 Administration of library-owned computer files. 1
Z692.C65 A67 2002 Appropriate use policies for computers in college/university libraries / 1