Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z713 .M17 1928i Selected articles on interlibrary loans 1
Z713 .N4 Interlibrary loan in New York State : a report prepared for the Division of Library Development of the New York State Library. 1
Z713 .P53 How to get what you don't have : a guide to obtaining loans, photocopies or microcopies of sci-tech publications. 1
Z713 .R46 1989 Research access through new technology / 2
Z713 .S38 Telefacsimile in libraries : a report of an experiment in facsimile transmission and an analysis of implications for interlibrary loan systems / 1
Z713 .T45 Interlibrary loan procedure manual. 2
Z713.U6 B68 1996 Interlibrary loan practices handbook / 1
Z713 .W36 1989 Interlibrary loan in academic and research libraries : workload and staffing / 1
Z713 .W43 1999 What the OCLC Interlibrary Loan Service means to me : a collection of essays. 1
Z713 .W65 Interlibrary loan practices at six Rocky Mountain colleges and universities. 1
Z713.5.A8 I57 1980 Interlending in the 80's : proceedings of a national conference held at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, 27th-29th August, 1980 / 1
Z713.5.C3 D5 1986 Directory of interlibrary loan policies & duplication services in Canadian libraries. 1
Z713.5.C6 N48 1978 Colorado Western Slope document delivery study / 1
Z713.5.U5 A6 General interlibrary loan code, 1952. 1
Z713.5.U5 J8 Just b'twx us. 1
Z713.5.U6 The future of resource sharing / 1
Z713.5.U6 A53 Survey of the interlibrary loan operation of the National Library of Medicine / 1
Z713.5.U6 B67 1983 Document delivery in the United States : a report to the Council on Library Resources / 1
Z713.5.U6 B68 1997 Interlibrary loan practices handbook / 1
Z713.5.U6 B68 2011 Interlibrary loan practices handbook / 2