Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z7164.C81 T4 no. 18 HF5415 A selected and annotated bibliography of marketing theory / 1
Z7164.C81 T43 Publications - Bureau of Business Research,the University of Texas at Austin. 1
Z7164.C81 T53 Management information, where to find it / 1
Z7164.C81 T53 HD31 Management information, where to find it / 1
Z7164.C81 T55 Advertising; an annotated bibliography 1972 / 1
Z7164.C81 T67 1988 HD2755.5 Transnational corporations : a selective bibliography, 1983-1987 / 1
Z7164.C81 T67 1993 Transnational corporations : a selective bibliography, 1991-1992 = Les sociétés transnationales : bibliographie sélective, 1991-1992. 1
Z7164.C81 T7 1967 Bibliografía comentada sobre administración de negocios y disciplinas conexas : con un directorio descriptivo de algunas instituciones importantes en la especialidad / 1
Z7164.C81 T73 1994 Trade, industrial, and professional periodicals of the United States / 1
Z7164.C81 U4522 1975 HD2755.5 Multinational corporations / 1
Z7164.C81 U4568 no. 35 HF5549 Managing human behavior. 1
Z7164.C81 U5 Advertising, a list of references. 1
Z7164.C81 U532 Library focus / 1
Z7164.C81 U568 Management and executive responsibility. 1
Z7164.C81 U57 1941a Small business bibliography / 1
Z7164.C81 U96 1967 Faculty bibliography : publications of the Graduate School of Business Administration and the School of Business : books and monographs from 1950, articles from 1960. 1
Z7164.C81 U96 1968 Faculty bibliography : publications of the Graduate School of Business Administration and the School of Business : books and monographs from 1950, articles from 1960. 1
Z7164.C81 V348 1982 HD47.4 Cost benefit analysis : a book list / 1
Z7164.C81 V34925 1986 HD2341 Informal sector (economics)-underground economy : a bibliography / 1
Z7164.C81 V3493 1985 HF5521 Office furniture : a bibliography / 1