Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z7164.S55 H3 Inland waterways transportation : a bibliography and guide to information sources / 1
Z7164.S55 M38 1995 Shipping business and maritime economics : an annotated international bibliography / 1
Z7164.S55 M49 1911i Additional references relating to mercantile marine subsidies 1
Z7164.S6 Slavery and slaving in world history : a bibliography. 1
Z7164.S6 H42 1979 Slavery and anti-slavery pamphlets : an index to the microfilm collection /
Microfilm edition of slavery and antislavery pamphlets from the libraries of Salmon P. Chase & John P. Hale
Z7164.S6 H42 HT871 Slavery and anti-slavery pamphlets : an index to the microfilm collection / 1
Z7164. S6 H63 1973 The African slave trade and its suppression : a classified and annotated bibliography of books, pamphlets and periodical articles / 1
Z7164.S6 .H644 2013eb African Slave Trade and Its Suppression : a Classified and Annotated Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets and Periodical Articles. 2
Z7164.S6 M544 1993 Slavery and slaving in world history : a bibliography, 1900-1991 / 1
Z7164.S6 M544 1993 HT861  
Z7164.S6 M544 1998 HT861  
Z7164.S6 S538 1999 Slavery and slaving in world history : a bibliography / 1
Z7164.S6 S54 1908i The Negro problem a bibliography / 1
Z7164.S6S63 1982 Black slavery in the Americas : an interdisciplinary bibliography, 1865-1980 / 1
Z7164.S6 S63 1982 HT1049 Black slavery in the Americas : an interdisciplinary bibliography, 1865-1980 / 1
Z7164.S6 S64 2002 Societies after slavery : a select annotated bibliography of printed sources on Cuba, Brazil, British colonial Africa, South Africa, and the British West Indies / 1
Z7164.S6 S64 2002 HT1037 Societies after slavery : a select annotated bibliography of printed sources on Cuba, Brazil, British colonial Africa, South Africa, and the British West Indies / 1
Z7164.S64 G55 Social stratification : a research bibliography /
Social stratification: a research bibliography
Z7164.S64 K56 1987 Social stratification : an annotated bibliography / 1
Z7164.S66 A27 HN17.5 Abstracts of popular culture. 1