Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z7794 .G37 2018  
Z7798 .M54 1993 A bibliography of the nature and role of the Holy Spirit in twentieth-century writings / 1
Z7798 .M54 1993 BT767.3 A bibliography of the nature and role of the Holy Spirit in twentieth-century writings / 1
Z7798 .M55 1985 Glossolalia : a bibliography / 1
Z7799.3 .M55 1988 The Holy Spirit : a bibliography / 1
Z7799.3 .M55 1988 BT121.2 The Holy Spirit : a bibliography / 1
Z7799.3 .S22 1995 The doctrine of the Holy Spirit : a bibliography showing its chronological development / 1
Z7799.8 .S44 1992 Rediscovery of creation : a bibliographical study of the church's response to the environmental crisis / 1
Z7800.D53 1984 Dictionary of American hymnology first-line index / 1
Z7800 .H35 1975 Hymnbooks at Wittenberg : a classified catalog of the collections of Hamma School of Theology, Wittenberg School of Music, Thomas Library / 1
Z7800.R63 1983 The children's jubilee : a bibliographical survey of hymnals for infants, youth, and Sunday schools published in Britain and America, 1655-1900 / 1
Z7800 .R63 1983 BV520 The children's jubilee : a bibliographical survey of hymnals for infants, youth, and Sunday schools published in Britain and America, 1655-1900 / 1
Z7805.V43 1982 Bibliotheca bibliographica historiae sanctae inquisitionis = Bibliographisches Verzeichnis des gedruckten Schrifttums zur Geschichte und Literatur der Inquisition / 1
Z7805 .V43 1982 BX1712 Bibliotheca bibliographica historiae sanctae inquisitionis = Bibliographisches Verzeichnis des gedruckten Schrifttums zur Geschichte und Literatur der Inquisition / 1
Z7809 .M87 1991 Liberation theologies : a research guide / 1
Z7809 .M87 1991 BT83.57 Liberation theologies : a research guide / 1
Z7813.B5 1989 A Bibliography of Christian worship / 1
Z7813 .B5 1989 BV176 A Bibliography of Christian worship / 1
Z7813 .B82 Die Verbreitung des reformatorischen Liedes in Nürnberg in der Zeit von 1525 bis 1570. 1
Z7813 .N48 1991 Internationale Bibliographie "Liturgische Bücher" : eine Auswahl kunsthistorischer und liturgiewissenschaftlicher Literatur zu liturgischen Handschriften und Drucken = International bibliography on liturgical books : a selection of art-historical and liturgical science literature on liturgical manuscripts and printed books / 1