Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z8189.8.C68 1981 A bibliography of editions of the writings of Benjamin Constant to 1833 / 1
Z8189.8 .C68 1981 PQ2211.C24 A bibliography of editions of the writings of Benjamin Constant to 1833 / 1
Z8189.8.L68 Benjamin Constant : an annotated bibliography of critical editions and studies, 1946-1978 / 1
Z8189.8 .L68 PQ2211.C24 Benjamin Constant : an annotated bibliography of critical editions and studies, 1946-1978 / 1
Z8189.8 .R9 Bibliographie critique des œuvres de Benjamin Constant : avec documents inédits et fac-similé 1
Z8191 .H74 1968 Captain James Cook : a bibliographical excursion. 1
Z8191 .M58 1970 Bibliography of Captain James Cook R.N., F.R.S., circumnavigator / 1
Z8191.45.P4 1987 Calvin Coolidge and his family : an annotated bibliography / 1
Z8191.45 .P4 1987 E792 Calvin Coolidge and his family : an annotated bibliography / 1
Z8191.7.D9 1991 James Fenimore Cooper : an annotated bibliography of criticism / 1
Z8191.7 .D9 1991 PS1431 James Fenimore Cooper : an annotated bibliography of criticism / 1
Z8191.7 .S85 1934 A descriptive bibliography of the writings of James Fenimore Cooper / 1
Z8192.5 .B3 Bibliografia kopernikowska, 1509-1955. 1
Z8192.5 .G55 2002 An annotated census of Copernicus' De revolutionibus (Nuremberg, 1543 and Basel, 1566) / 1
Z8192.5 .K85 Kleine Kopernikus-Bibliographie / 1
Z8194 .P6 Bibliographie Cornélienne : ou, Description raisonnée de toutes les éditions des oeuvres de Pierre Corneille, des imitations ou traductions qui en ont été faites, et des ouvrages relatifs à Corneille et à ses écrits / 1
Z8194 .R57 1983 Bibliographie zu Pierre Corneille von 1958 bis 1983 / 1
Z8195.2 .W5 A bibliography of works by Gregory Corso, 1954-1965 / 1
Z8195.28 A68 2014 Todo Cortázar : bio-bibliografía / 1
Z8195.3 .M4 Ensayo bio-bibliográfico sobre Hernán Cortés : obra póstuma / 1