Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z8423.3 .M54 Langston Hughes and Gwendolyn Brooks : a reference guide / 1
Z8423.3 .M54 PS3515.U274 Langston Hughes and Gwendolyn Brooks : a reference guide / 2
Z8423.43 .S23 1983 Ted Hughes, a bibliography, 1946-1980 / 1
Z8423.43 .S23 1983 PR6058.U37 Ted Hughes, a bibliography, 1946-1980 / 1
Z8423.43 .S23 1998 Ted Hughes, a bibliography, 1946-1995 / 1
Z8423.43 .S23 1998 PR6058.U37 Ted Hughes, a bibliography, 1946-1995 / 1
Z8423.7 .H37 1963 Les œuvres de Hugues de Saint-Victor. : Essai critique / 1
Z8424 .D69 Victor Hugo's drama : an annotated bibliography, 1900-1980 / 1
Z8424 .D69 PQ2301 Victor Hugo's drama : an annotated bibliography, 1900-1980 / 1
Z8424 .W29 1985 Victor Hugo : œuvres, critique / 1
Z8427.3 .D38 1986 David Hume and the eighteenth century British thought : an annotated catalogue = [Deivido Hyūmu to 18-seiki Eikoku shisō : kaidai mokuroku / 1
Z8427.3 .H34 Fifty years of Hume scholarship : a bibliographical guide / 1
Z8427.3 .H34 B1498 Fifty years of Hume scholarship : a bibliographical guide / 1
Z8427.3 .J58 A bibliography of David Hume and of Scottish philosophy from Francis Hutcheson to Lord Balfour / 1
Z8427.3 J58 1966 A bibliography of David Hume and of Scottish philosophy from Francis Hutcheson to Lord Balfour / 1
Z8428.2 .B7 A catalogue of the Leigh Hunt manuscripts in the University of Iowa Libraries / 1
Z8428.2 .B84 My Leigh Hunt library / 1
Z8428.2 .B86 My Leigh Hunt library : the holograph letters. 1
Z8428.2 .L84 1985 Leigh Hunt : a reference guide / 1
Z8428.2 .W34 1985 Leigh Hunt : a comprehensive bibliography / 1