Z8439.7 .L27
Washington Irving / |
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Z8439.7 .L27 1968
Washington Irving : a bibliography / |
1 |
Z8439.7 .S65
Washington Irving : a reference guide / |
1 |
Z8439.7 .W73
A bibliography of the writings of Washington Irving : a check list / |
1 |
Z8441 .F85
Christopher Isherwood : a reference guide / |
1 |
Z8441 .F85 PR6017.S5
Christopher Isherwood : a reference guide / |
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Z8441 .W4
Christopher Isherwood : a bibliography, 1923-1967 / |
1 |
Z8441 .W49 1987
Christopher Isherwood : a bibliography of his personal papers / |
1 |
Z8441.14.S28 1999
Ishikawa Takuboku bunken shoshi shūtaisei / |
1 |
Z8442.65 .D38 1996 PG3476.I8
Viacheslav Ivanov : a reference guide / |
1 |
Z8443.R45 1991
Andrew Jackson : a bibliography / |
1 |
Z8443 .R45 1991 E382
Andrew Jackson : a bibliography / |
1 |
Z8443.4 .W48
Laura Riding : a bibliography / |
1 |
Z8443.5 .R45 2001
A critical bibliography of Shirley Jackson, American writer (1919-1965) : reviews, criticism, adaptations / |
1 |
Z8443.53 H37 1995
William Henry Jackson : an annotated bibliography, 1862 to 1995 / |
1 |
Z8443.8 .R67 1993
Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi : eine Bibliographie / |
1 |
Z8444.22 .L35 1988
W.W. Jacobs : a bibliography / |
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Z8444.9 .M4
Verzeichnis der Schriften von und über Hans Henry Jahnn. |
1 |
Z8444.95 .B58 1996
Hans Henny Jahnn : eine Bibliographie / |
1 |
Z8445.1 .R63
Roman Jakobson : a bibliography of his writings / |
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