Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z881.A1 U37 1968-1972 The National union catalog : a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries, 1968-1972 / 1
Z881.A1 U37 1968-1972 Suppl.1 The National union catalog : music and phonorecords; a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries, 1968-1972 / 1
Z881.A1 U37 1968-1972 Suppl.2 The National union catalog: motion pictures and filmstrips : a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries, 1968-1972 / 1
Z881.A1 U37 1973-1977 National union catalog, 1973-1977 / 1
Z881.A1 U37 Suppl.2 The Library of Congress author catalog : a cumulative list of works represented by Library of Congress printed cards, 1948-1952 / 1
Z881.A1 U375 Library of Congress catalog.
Subject catalog, 1975 /
Z881.A1 U376 Subject catalog, 1976 / 1
Z881.A1 U377 Subject catalog, 1977 / 1
Z881.A1 U378 Subject catalog, 1978 / 1
Z881.A1 U379 Subject catalog, 1979 / 1
Z881.A1 U380 Subject catalog, 1980 / 1
Z881.A1 U381 Subject catalog, 1981 / 1
Z881.A1 U382 Subject catalog, 1982 / 1
Z881.A1 U5k MARC code list for organizations / 1
Z881.A1 U518 The National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints : a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries / 1
Z881.A1 U52 1936i United States author headings including those adopted by the Library of Congress as appearing in the Union catalog / 1
Z881.A1 U523 In celebration, the National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints / 1
Z881.A1 U526 Prospectus for the National Union Catalog : pre-1956 imprints. 1
Z881.A1 U526 1982 National union catalog, 1982 / 1
Z881.A1 U53 National union catalog, 1978 / 1