Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z921.N679 T55 2000 A catalogue of the donations made to Norwich City Library 1608-1656 / 1
Z921 .O93 1958 Notable accessions : guide to an exhibition held in 1958. 1
Z921 .O93 1970 The Bodleian Library and its friends : catalogue of an exhibition held 1969-1970. 1
Z921.O93 W54 Catalogus librorum in bibliotheca Aulæ Magdalenæ 2
Z921.O94 B63 1987 The first printed catalogue of the Bodleian Library, 1605 : a facsimile = Catalogus librorum bibliothecae publicae quam vir ornatissimus Thomas Bodleius eques auratus in Academia Oxoniensi nuper instituit.
The first printed catalogue of the Bodleian Library, 1605 : a facsimile = Catalogus librorum bibliothecae publicae quam vir ornatissimus Thomas Bodleius eques auratus in Academia Oxoniensi nuper instituit. --
Z921.O94 S67 2007 A descriptive catalogue of Greek manuscripts at St. John's College, Oxford / 1
Z921 .O96 1975 The survival of ancient literature : catalogue of an exhibition of Greek and Latin classical manuscripts mainly from Oxford libraries / 1
Z921 .O96 1975x The survival of ancient literature : catalogue of an exhibition of Greek and Latin classical manuscripts mainly from Oxford libraries / 1
Z921 .R62 Bulletin of the Royal Society International Scientific Information Services. 1
Z921 .S27 no. 7 Hugh MacDiarmid. 1
Z921 .S27 no. 24 The eye of the mind : the Scot and his books / 1
Z921 .S27 no. 24 Z1003.5.G7 The eye of the mind : the Scot and his books / 1
Z921.S96 S96 2001 Syon Abbey / 1
Z921 .W26 George Powell of Nanteos : an early benefactor of the College Library : an exhibition of books, music and manuscripts, held in the College Gallery, Great Hall, Penglais / 1
Z921 .W47 1998 Catalogue of the Morrison collection of Chinese books = Malixun cang shu shu mu / 1
Z921 .Y67 2013eb A catalogue of the printed books in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of York / 1
Z925 .M29 Magyar könyvészet, 1945-1960 : a Magyarországon nyomtatott könyvek szakosított jegyzéke / 1
Z925 .M292 Magyar könyvészet, 1945-1960, a Magyarországon nyomtatott térképek szakosított jegyzéke / 1
Z925 .P1964 Enrichissments de la Bibliothèque nationale de 1945 à 1960 : dons et acquisitions. 1
Z925 .V636 1957 Inventar der illuminierten Handschriften, Inkunabeln und Frühdrucke der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek / 1