Call Number (LC) Title Results
ZA5050 .M67 2004 International government information and country information : a subject guide / 1
ZA5055.E85 P53 2000 Commercial exploitation of Europe's public sector information : executive summary / 1
ZA5055.E85 S83 Statistical references : brief information on Eurostat products and services. 1
ZA5055.U6 A39 World Wide Web sites reported by federal organizations 1
ZA5055.U6 B76 2020 Mastering United States government information : sources and services / 1
ZA5055.U6 C36 2002 Executive and independent agencies publications : where to get official documents / 1
ZA5055.U6 F67 2011 Fundamentals of government information : mining, finding, evaluating, and using government resources / 1
ZA5055.U6 F67 2016 Fundamentals of government information : mining, finding, evaluating, and using government resources / 1
ZA5055.U6 G66 GPO Access interactive training CD-ROM. 1
ZA5055.U6 H47 1997 Locating United States government information : a guide to sources / 1
ZA5055.U6 H472 1997 Locating United States government information : a guide to sources. 1
ZA5055.U6 M67 1999 Introduction to United States government information sources / 1
ZA5055.U6 M67 1999eb Introduction to United States government information sources / 1
ZA5055.U6 R63  
ZA5055.U6 R63 1998 Tapping the government grapevine : the user friendly guide to U.S. Government information sources /
Tapping the government grapevine : the user-friendly guide to U.S. government information sources /
ZA5055.U6 U55 2002eb United States government information : policies and sources / 1
ZA5055.U6 U57 1973 Administration of the Freedom of information act ; an evaluation of government information programs under the act, 1967-72 / 1
ZA5070 What Kind of Data do Government Agencies Have? 1
ZA5075 .F57i FIRSTGOV the U.S. government's official web portal. 1
ZA5075 .F74i Free government information FGI. 1