Call Number (LC) Title Results
cmcd 2008.04.09a Master of music recital Frederick A. Peterbark, tenor. 1
cmcd 2008.04.09b Pendulum new music World Premiers by Arnett, Buckman, Scott, Simon, and Spencer . . . and Crumb featuring the CU Collegiate Chorale. 1
cmcd 2008.04.10 Doctor of musical arts recital Alina Windell, flute. 1
cmcd 2008.04.11a Master of music recital Michael Kilcoyne, tenor. 1
cmcd 2008.04.11b Master of music recital & Doctor of musical arts recital Julia Tobiska, mezzo-soprano ; Chuck Dillard, collaborative piano. 1
cmcd 2008.04.11c Jazz ensembles Jazz Ensemble I and Jazz Ensemble II. 1
cmcd 2008.04.12a Senior recital Meagan Mahlberg, soprano. 1
cmcd 2008.04.12b World Music Ensembles Mariachi Ensemble and Balinese Music and Dance with Gamelan Angklung Genta Kencana. 1
cmcd 2008.04.12c World Music Ensembles West African Highlife Ensemble. 1
cmcd 2008.04.13a Master of music recital Anne Ristorcelli, viola. 1
cmcd 2008.04.13b World Music Ensembles Japanese ensemble ; Brazilian ensemble. 1
cmcd 2008.04.13c University Choir "Love, if you would be loved!" 1
cmcd 2008.04.14 Master of music recital Yi-fan Ko, percussion. 1
cmcd 2008.04.15a Master of music recital Li (Jasmine) Meng, piano. 1
cmcd 2008.04.15b Doctor of musical arts recital Sara Parkinson, collaborative piano. 1
cmcd 2008.04.15c Symphonic Band and Wind Symphony 1
cmcd 2008.04.16a Master of music recital Amanda Schuldt, soprano. 1
cmcd 2008.04.16b Doctor of musical arts recital Haejung Shin, mezzo-soprano. 1
cmcd 2008.04.17 Master of music recital Tara Davison, soprano and guitar. 1
cmcd 2008.04.18a Early Music Ensemble 1