Call Number (LC) Title Results
cmcd 2013.03.20b Pendulum new music at CU featuring CU Wind Symphony, Glyde Cello Studio, composers Dan Brandt, Ryan Connell, Ryan Farris, Nico Osorio, in memory, Willie Payne, Joseph Schwantner. 1
cmcd 2013.03.21 Master of music recital Amy Peck, jazz saxophone. 1
cmcd 2013.03.22 Doctor of musical arts recital Cobus du Toit, flute. 1
cmcd 2013.03.22b Professional certificate in string quartet performance Orava String Quartet. 1
cmcd 2013.04.01a Doctor of musical arts recital Sam Griffith, jazz trombone. 1
cmcd 2013.04.01b Doctor of musical arts recital Sarah Stoneback, trumpet / Derek McDonald, trumpet. 1
cmcd 2013.04.02 Doctor of musical arts recital Margaret King Patterson, piano. 1
cmcd 2013.04.03 Master of music recital Leanne Hampton, flute. 1
cmcd 2013.04.04a Doctor of musical arts recital Hee Jung Yoo, soprano. 1
cmcd 2013.04.04b Master of music recital Michael Righi, marimba and vibraphone. 1
cmcd 2013.04.05 Early music ensemble 1
cmcd 2013.04.07 Master of music recital John Cockerill, collaborative piano. 1
cmcd 2013.04.07a The "Golden Buffalo" Men's Chorus, Collegiate Chorale, Women's Chorus 1
cmcd 2013.04.07b Senior recital Jenna Goodrum, oboe. 1
cmcd 2013.04.08a Doctor of musical arts recital Christina Lalog, collaborative piano. 1
cmcd 2013.04.08b Guest recital Catherine Compton, soprano / Sibylle HoĢˆhnk, piano. 1
cmcd 2013.04.09 Doctor of musical arts recital Emily Sinclair, soprano. 1
cmcd 2013.04.10a Pendulum new music featuring CU Violin Studios of Lina Bahn and Charles Wetherbee ; premieres by Dan Brandt, Kayla M. Goodison ; Hugh Lobel ; Kurt M. Mehlenbacher. 1
cmcd 2013.04.10b Master of music recital Reinet Behncke, soprano. 1
cmcd 2013.04.11a Doctor of musical arts recital Adam Riggs, cello. 1