Call Number (LC) Title Results
comdisc 16475 Intǵrale des Quatuors les 3 quatuors, sextuor / 1
comdisc 16476 Sogno talor sometimes I dream. 1
comdisc 16477 Istampitte danze italiane del medioevo. 1
comdisc 16478 The United States of America 1
comdisc 16479 Symphonien 1-4 Ouvertüren: Die Braut von Messina ; Hermann und Dorothea / 1
comdisc 16480 The recordings of Roger Quilter 1
comdisc 16481 Theory and practice in late nineteenth-century violin performance : an examination of style in performance, 1850-1900 / 1
comdisc 16482 Complete national anthems of the world 1
comdisc 16483 --in real time op. 50 / 1
comdisc 16484 Beloved that pilgrimage 1
comdisc 16485 Charles Ives's America 1
comdisc 16486 Symphonies of wind instruments 1
comdisc 16487 Director's choice 1
comdisc 16488 Grand scenes 1
comdisc 16489 Metamusik Postludium / 1
comdisc 16490 Music of Michael Daugherty 1
comdisc 16491 A child's reliquary music of Richard Danielpour. 1
comdisc 16492 Hesperos 20th century songs, Switzerland. 1
comdisc 16493 Mercy 1
comdisc 16494 Pièces de clavecin en concerts 1