Call Number (LC) Title Results
comdisc 25947 Nightingale 1
comdisc 25948 The 21 Hungarian dances for piano duet / 1
comdisc 25949 Lute music for witches and alchemists Lautenmusik für Hexen und Alchemisten = Musique pour luth à l'intention des sourcières et alchimistes. 1
comdisc 25950 Ungarische Tänze Hungarian dances = Danses hongroises / 1
comdisc 25951 String quartet no. 2, op. 13 String quintet no. 2, op. 87 / 1
comdisc 25952 Concerto for orchestra Music for strings, percussion and celesta ; Hungarian sketches / 1
comdisc 25953 An evening wasted with Tom Lehrer 1
comdisc 25954 That was the year that was 1
comdisc 25955 Verdi & Puccini 1
comdisc 25956 Summon the heroes 1
comdisc 25957 Peter and the wolf 1
comdisc 25958 A portrait of Murray Perahia 1
comdisc 25959 The magic of Satie 1
comdisc 25960 9 symphonies 1
comdisc 25961 Samson et Dalila 1
comdisc 25962 Tosca 1
comdisc 25963 Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 / 1
comdisc 25964 Rigoletto 1
comdisc 25965 Carmen 1
comdisc 25966 The grand duke 1