Call Number (LC) Title Results
comdisc 9396 Danses populaires françaises et anglaises du XVIe siècle 1
comdisc 9397 Opera omnia 1
comdisc 9398 1939 & 1942 Tito Schipa in Berlin. 1
comdisc 9399 The Leontóvych String Quartet with Robert Guralnik, pianist. 1
comdisc 9400 The chamber music with viola 1
comdisc 9401 Enclosure Two 1
comdisc 9402 String quartets 1 & 2 1
comdisc 9403 String quartets 3 & 4 1
comdisc 9404 Leal amour Flemish composers at the court of Philip II. 1
comdisc 9405 Il nono libro de madrigali 1
comdisc 9406 Folie douce Renaissance improvisations. 1
comdisc 9407 Hurrah for our national game 1
comdisc 9408  
comdisc 9408 vol. 1 The Harry Partch collection. 1
comdisc 9408 vol. 2 The Harry Partch collection. 1
comdisc 9408 vol. 3 The Harry Partch collection. 1
comdisc 9408 vol. 4 The Harry Partch collection. 1
comdisc 9409 Newport Folk Festival best of bluegrass, 1959-66. 1
comdisc 9410 Introducción a la música popular Cubana 1
comdisc 9411 Singing out loud 1