Call Number (LC) Title Results
comdisc_b b78210112 Suite for violin with American gamelan ; La Koro Sutro / 1
comdisc_b b78210136 Work[s] for chamber orchestra with soloists 1
comdisc_b b7821015x Meslanges : pour la chapelle d'un Prince / 1
comdisc_b b78210161 Choral works. Utwory chóralne. 1
comdisc_b b78210227 Pierrot lunaire / 1
comdisc_b b78210264 Sweet chariot / 1
comdisc_b b7826621x Sacred choral music 1
comdisc_b b78284016 Luminescence works for strings and orchestra brought to light / 1
comdisc_b b78321566 Keys of the palace 1
comdisc_b b7832158x Motets à deux voix 1
comdisc_b b78321608 Chantons l'amour eighteenth-century French arias. 1
comdisc_b b78324592 Dualism 1
comdisc_b b78324609 Claros y frescos ríos canciones y piezas instrumentales del Renacimiento español. 1
comdisc_b b78324671 Chinese classical music 1
comdisc_b b78324762 Complete sonatas & variations 1
comdisc_b b78324774 Sonata 1
comdisc_b b78324786 Christmas in God's country 1
comdisc_b b78324920 Richter plays Bach 1
comdisc_b b7832497x Joseph Haydn revisited Klavierwerke = Works for piano. 1
comdisc_b b78324981 Teresa Sterne, a portrait 1