Call Number (LC) Title Results
disc 2123 Klaviersonate nr. 1, C-dur, op. 1 : Klaviersonate nr. 2, fis-moll, op. 2 / 1
disc 2124 Smithsonian collection of classic country music 1
disc 2125 Organ works 1
disc 2126 Carolyn Heafner, soprano, sings songs by Amy Beach, Jack Beeson, Hugo Weisgall, Lee Hoiby, and Ernst Bacon 1
disc 2127 American brass music of the 1850's 1
disc 2128 Standing ovation 1
disc 2129 Da Capo Chamber Players' 10th anniversary 1
disc 2130 Decameron 1
disc 2131 Piano trios. 1
disc 2132 Symphonie Nr. 9 D-dur 1
disc 2133 Die frühen Trios. 1
disc 2134 Le Chansonnier cordiforme 1
disc 2135 The Art of Jussi Björling 1
disc 2136 The passion according to St. Matthew (BWV 244) 1
disc 2137 Mikrokosmos. 1
disc 2138 No more walls. 1
disc 2139 La rhétorique des dieux, 1652. 1
disc 2140 The sonatas and partitas for unaccompanied violin. 1
disc 2141 L'enfance du Christ : op. 25. 1
disc 2142 Beethoven bicentennial 1770/1970. 1